Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Release Your Grip

I have been debating with myself on whether to tackle this topic or not...My bold side won!  I giggle every time I turn to Proverbs Chapter 21. My favorite is verse 9, "It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home."  Alright, you laughed out loud, but do you struggle in your home...arguing all the time with your husband? Does he spend all his time in the garage, the yard, the basement or on the computer with earphones on? Well, let's back know a quarrelsome woman, right? Webster gives these synonyms: aggressive, confrontational, feisty, contentious, argumentative...ouch, I resemble a few of these. But, you know her, right? She is always correcting, nagging, pushing, complaining, talking too much, always right...never shuts up. No wonder the man is always away from home. He goes to the "corner of the attic" if you will...for a place of peace. 

The woman who was created for man's pleasure now becomes his greatest irritation.  His best friend is now his enemy. She is no longer his lover and he is indifferent toward her. Wow, this puts a spin on personal responsibility to your marriage.  Now, before you get too upset and say, "that's not what led to the tension in my marriage"....I hear you loud and clear.  Being divorced myself , sometimes life's greatest lessons come in life's toughest struggles.  There truly are many more reasons to the breakdown in communication besides a "quarrelsome woman." However, I think in today's culture, women have been given more and more responsibility and authority where male leadership is lacking.  Because of this I believe our ability to lead, organize, learn, multitask and make decisions can sometimes overpower our homes.  Our man definitely needs us to be strong in all these areas, but we don't have to drive him crazy...well, only in a good way!  Make a decision to stop nit-picking and you just might find your love again!

We were created to be man's greatest treasure, his helper, lover and friend.  We were not created to nag and complain and belittle.  Support your man in his offers so much for your family. Know what he does and how you can help. If it were taken from him today, would your family suffer? Appreciate what he does for you. Go back to the beginning and remind yourself of the characteristics that connected you to him.  Praise him and pray for him where he is weak. Don't hang around other women who complain about their will become like them.  Allow your husband to be free to be the man God is calling him to be.  Your love and support will change him more than your scolding, correcting words. It's time to release your grip on the little things that don't matter. 

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