Friday, January 6, 2012

Pocket Full of Regrets

Yeah...some of us have more than a pocket full.  We have more like a lifetime full.  Everyone can identify with regrets in some way or another.  I talk to a lot of people who shake their heads and say, "I wish I had never gone there, If only I would have listened, I don't know what I was thinking, I knew better, but..." As I listen, I see my own life in the mirror and echo the same phrases.  Life does have a way of coming back around.  When you make bad choices you get bad results, and when you make good choices the blessings flow.  What are we supposed to do with all the regrets? We can't go back in time and change our choices. And, we certainly can't change the consequences that came as a result.  But, we can learn from the past and use our pocket full of regrets to help others who may be looking for some answers in this broken world.  We can also choose to be humbled by all our past mistakes, and thank God for saving us from our stupidity. Even if your life has been pretty good so far...there are always things you could have done better...shown a little more love, given a little more, bit your tongue a few times, or maybe there was a path or opportunity you wish you would have taken...a missed opportunity. You don't have to have lived an immoral life to have regrets.  There are times we feel sorry for or even grieve what we can't get back.  The bible tells us not to waste a minute of today worrying about the past or we will miss out on the blessings here and now.  Well, isn't that a simple answer?  We waste a lot of time talking about, grieving and thinking about yesterday that today is nearly gone. 

Check out the words of Rascal Flatts, Unstoppable .  My daughter left it up on my computer today, and as I listened I heard so much truth in the words of the song that I applied to our spiritual walk. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, it was the ultimate sacrifice of love was it not? No matter what you have done wrong...if you just believe you will receive the gift of eternal life because of His love.  You cannot screw that up no matter how you try.  His love is unstoppable. There is nothing so bad that good can't come from it...not even tragedy or death, immoral sins or broken promises.  I can't possibly tell you the good that will come from these things; I just believe in a God so powerful and all knowing that His love makes all things right...and I trust in that! And as far as the loves of this world...brotherly love, unconditional love and romantic love...well they are unstoppable more regrets...just a pocket full of love!

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