Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finding God

Many people do not "find God" in their life until they are put through a major "fire."

The Bible often compares trials to that of a metal refiners' fire burning away impurities. The silversmith knows when the silver is pure when he can see his reflection in it. The Lord uses adversity to build our character. The Bible says we go through the same trials Jesus did when He walked the earth.  We experience loneliness, rejection, criticism, temptations, stress, grief, abuse and many more trials. It is really tough to see ourselves as a precious gem to others let alone to God when we are walking through hard times. Even the best visionaries of the day can't see too far past their own circumstances.  A quote from author Rick Warren says, "What happens outwardly in your life is not as important as what happens inside you."  When you are changing on the inside you will know it. It might not feel the greatest at the time, but when you get to the other side you will be able to look back and see how all things...ugly as they appeared...were working together for your future good.  Baking ingredients eaten separately may not be that tasteful, but mix them together and you have a delicious treat as your end result.

Don't give up, remember God's plan is for your good, don't become bitter...become better...rejoice and give thanks for where you are headed.  Surround yourself with those who will build you up and strengthen you. We serve a God of miracles, second chances, new birth, and healing.  Don't be afraid to be moved by your spirit...that is God within you. We may never understand this side of heaven all the intricate details of life, but I believe everything we experience has a spiritual significance. Seek counsel from those who have gone before and have experienced your pain...and from those whom you would gladly trade places. When you are serious about "finding God" in your life you will not be disappointed by His blessings! He will pour them on, and you will be overwhelmed by His goodness!


  1. Loved this Gale. With what I am going through at the present time, it just seemed to "reach" out to me. Thank you, Dear One.
    Love you more!

    1. No thank you for letting me know you were blessed...I love you so much and pray strength for you during this time..Hugs to you!!

  2. The white picket fence has a religious connotation. It is a vernacular folk piety that
    came about after the St Hallvard of Oslo cathedral fell into ruin in the 1600s.
    The pickets are shaped like arrows, the implements of the martyrdom of Hallvard.
    The scallopy, billowy profile reminds us of the North Sea upon which Hallvard
    sailed the ship he offered as bail-bond for the damsel in distress whom he tried
    to save. The whitewashing symbolizes the innocence of the thrall girl falsely
    accused. The trimming with roses bushes and lilies signifies, respectively, the
    brave martyrdoms of Hallvard and the thrall girl.
