Monday, February 13, 2012

I will bend but I won't break...

You've often heard, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger." When we are going through a tough time we often hate hearing that message because we do feel like we are dying.  In the middle of a tough time there really doesn't seem to be a way out.  We often wonder how long will this last, and will I survive?

Pain associated with things out of our control can seem unbearable to say the least.  Grief over loss of a loved one or unexplained tragedy is on a different level of healing then I am talking about here, but also has some similarities.  If you are experiencing grief of any kind that is causing you depression to the point of interfering with your normal routines, I encourage you to seek help from your Church, counselor or medical doctor.

Strain on relationships, divorce, an extreme workload, difficult children or disappointing teens can cause anyone to "lose it."  When there isn't enough money to pay the bills and work is hard to find, carrying responsibilities alone may send us to a breaking point.  There are counselors and medical help for sure, but I want to give you additional hope!  If you have ever gone on a diet or started working out after long periods of rest or never before...then you have experienced temporary pain for long range benefits.  The last few weeks I've been moaning and complaining over my achy muscles from working out.  Just this morning I noticed I could use less effort to get through my routine, and I might actually be seeing some improvement(a little cheer  So, I increased my intensity a little.  I can handle more than I could just 3 weeks ago.  Exercising and eating differently does bring temporary discomfort, but knowing what you want the outcome to be....helps you get you closer to your goal, and makes it worth it! 

Take a minute to look at the difficult circumstance you are dealing with in this same way.  You may not know what the end result will be, but you can know that it has to be better than what you are experiencing right now...God does promise us He will not give us more than we can handle...He will walk beside us...and He will provide a way out!  One of my favorite scriptures is I Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."   What a promise! I love it! 

As much as we dislike that little saying at the beginning of this is true....this struggle will make you stronger and instead of killing you, it will provide a platform for you to help others in the future....I read this quote. posted by a friend, on Facebook this morning, "The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind..." I'm not sure where it originated from, but it rings some truth.  Being a critical thinker is important to wise decisions and problem solving, but when we worry or lament over our problems we stand in the way of the body healing itself naturally. 

Bending changes things...and change is hard at times, but it is needed to take you to a different place in life.  If you are feeling a little or a lot bent out of shape by all the dysfunction or issues you are facing... remind yourself daily that....You might bend, but you won't break!

Psalm 71:5 says: “For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence.”


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