Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A True Cinderella Love Story

Even Cinderella had some obstacles to finding her Prince. There was the "day in and day out" of endless chores in which she whistled while she worked and found simple joys in her little world. She had to face the wicked words of her stepmother and jealous schemes of her step sisters.  Even the family cat didn't support her. From childhood we watch fairy tales of love unfold.  In Beauty and the Beast the heart of love won over what the eyes could not see. Thumbelina meets Prince Cornelius and shows us that if you follow your heart nothing is impossible. Undoubtedly, my favorite is the heroic story of Rapunzel. She was a stunning girl trapped in the jealous hands of a wicked woman. She fought through the web of deception and ultimately brought peace to those around her...and in so doing...she met a handsome Prince! Her helpful sidekick was less than confident but more than courageous! Sometimes fairy tales aren't just figments of our imagination; they are real life played out in the magical kingdom. Every little girl sits on edge as she watches the dramatic stories unfold, and in the end she wants to dress up just like the beautiful princess!

In light of scripture I sure do believe in magic of the heart and the magical kingdom.  Not only because I am experiencing it, but because I believe in the Spirit which comes from God the Father and lives inside those that love Him.  What we do for others does come back to bless us...not really a secret at all...pour into the lives of others, no matter how insignificant it may seem, and watch the God of creation pour out His love to you! Love never fails!
If you have been following my blog for any length of time I am sure you have picked up on the underlying theme of the "White Picket Fence." Everyone is in search of it this side of Heaven...the dream career, the dream man or woman to share life with...joys of children...the perfect house and amenities to go along with it. We begin our "dream life journal" as far back as our memory recalls. Unfortunately, when life happens and challenges come along we somehow find ourselves further and further from our white picket fence.  We lose all hope for a better tomorrow, we lack faith in God to keep His promises, and we trust people less and less.  When goodness and peace do come our way...we run from it...not on purpose...but because we are so comfortable living uncomfortably that the goodness of God feels foreign. We can't wrap our brain around the belief that we do deserve the grace and abundant blessings of God!  What is even more difficult then accepting His grace is changing our behavior in order to get different results. Taking a leap of faith in an unsure decision, changing careers, moving, disconnecting from unhealthy people, or "selling all we own"(maybe literally or maybe just figuratively) to give to the poor...just seems too disorderly and too radical.  The love of God is radical my friends.  He died for you!

He orders our steps when we are in tune with His desires.  We cannot comprehend the depth of His love that is why our heart is moved when our brain does not understand. The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23

In response to my recent wedding announcement:

First of all thank you for your love, blessing for our future and encouraging words.  Chances are you have had a part in my life experiences, my joys, my sorrows and my healing.  I am ever grateful for you! Garett is a gift from God himself.  We met at Church...not of either of our seeking...but at the encouragement of a friend who was courageous enough to follow the stirring in her heart to "match up two people who were done "seeking on their own."  We both have stories of broken marriages that left us asking God "how much longer must we live this way." We have 7 children between us whom we love and cherish very much! Unlike my patient husband (so fun to say), I tried to help God out a little...yeah, I know what you are thinking, but you have put your hands in things before when you should have waited hang with me a second...I thought if I didn't actively "search for someone"....certainly, he wasn't going to magically appear!  I had forgotten that fairy tales are really the magic God is in the business of doing.  Anyway, I had a few dating experiences since my divorce...all of which I am so thankful for.  It was through these men I was able to create my Prince Charming!  I learned what I needed, what I would respond to, and what I was able to give.  But, when you are 41 dating just isn't as fun as when you are young.  It's quite difficult to "hide" it from your children and even more difficult to involve them. Friends and family have their opinions as well.  Don't get me wrong...counsel is wise, and those who truly love you have your best interest at heart...but if you are not could be fulfilling another persons' "white picket fence" and not your own.   No matter which way you try, even with the best intentions, some people won't like the "change."  So, after a few tries I determined in my heart...I was done!  That is when God intervened.  I think he had a little compassion on me.

I truly believe it must have been at the same moment when Garett secretly asked God to bring him a wife because there was no way he could possibly go out into the world and find one on his own...and the moment I told God that I was done and resigned to the life of a single woman...that He orchestrated the events that would quickly unfold before our eyes and would leave no question that it was His doing to form our union.  This quote from Max Lucado sums it up. "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her."

Each text, email, coffee, conversation, and dinner....seemed like we were in a time travel...forward to a wonderful journey of a lifetime.  There was no time to stop and share a play by play with everyone around us. I think we both knew from the moment we saw each other face to that split second...something stirred...I still believe in love...the first look, first touch, first kiss were all as I had ever hoped they would be!  I think we both felt like all that had been dormant was now fully alive in both of us.  Garett...faithful in his first marriage...faithful to God and faithful to his children...hard worker and has a spirit of a we all know he would need that in order to handle my strong will! He confessed to me that God actually "warned" him... she is a "strong" woman and different than anyone you are used to...haha...not sure I like admitting that...but it sure was funny!  My checklist was fully complete and all the "extras" were included as well.  Now, seriously, since I'm being honest...he is one sexy man!! He will probably kill me for publishing that....

This world won't stop throwing curve balls, and challenges and trials never seem to be on short order.  "Nay Sayers" are a dime a dozen...but what a feeling to live this side of Heaven with a friend, lover and loyal partner to help find peace amongst the storms and help each other live in freedom to experience their most "wild at heart" desire while making the world a little better when we leave it....Don't be mistaken...I'm still functioning in my financial, emotional, and physical realities, but some how pure bliss makes it all worth it...I am finally living inside my "white picket fence!"  Every day I feel like standing outside and twirling like a little girl and shouting with's the feeling of reckless abandon wrapped in common sense....a crazy gift of love sent from Heaven above! Love Wins!

And finally...I'm sorry for the men reading this...I just couldn't shorten it!  But, the women will want to know how the heck we pulled off a wedding in about 24 hours.  I can honestly say it was easy and peaceful.  Once I said "yes"....the rule was "no stress".....Our first choice was to run away to Italy... that was one reality we couldn't escape...not enough money!  First we secured our Pastor who performed the most precious little ceremony and even quoted from the book of Song of Songs.  I did not know that was his plan...but if you have followed my posts...I just discovered that scripture...some serious thrill traveled up my spine at that very moment. Then, we bought his shirt and ring the first day and my dress, jewelry and shoes the second day...simple and fun...I am not kidding...I walked into a couple of stores while Garett entertained our two youngest girls and within two hours had all I needed. Our two witnesses were the couple who brought us together, and they did an amazing job of capturing the moment on film.  We walked into the Franklin Park Conservatory (where we had taken our youngest girls the day before to see the butterfly exhibit)...paid to get in...we found the most beautiful spot to exchange our vows!  We could not have planned any of the events to unfold better than they did so naturally!

Having only told our children and a few close friends prior to our surprise....we were met with some disapproval, but felt more than confident that God's plan is way better than man's understanding...and because He was ordering our steps He would continue to bless the process. I suppose you can find more than one person you can live with in this world, but when you find the person you can't simply live without..."carpe diem."  A few close friends made sure to go the extra mile to help us enjoy our day and first night together.  We were blessed!!  Our plan is to celebrate with a reception in June for all of you.  It will be, not only a celebration of our love, but a party to celebrate God's gift of friends like you!

Here are the fairy tales for your little girls!


  1. I am so purely happy for you and cannot wait to meet and get to know Garrett...Gale I know what you have been through and have prayed for you for years...I could not have been happier for God to have you both finally cross each other paths and realize His plan unfolded and you both were listening!! Love you! Brandie

    1. Thank you so much my friend...miss you so...hope you will be able to celebrate when we pick a date in June! Thank you for your love, support and prayers over the years!

  2. What a wonderful story and testimony to God's love and provision.

    1. Thank you Tracy...I love a happy story...don't you...God's love sure is great!

  3. Love it! My husband and I met and married within 2 1/2 in Maine, he in California. We met with much disapproval, but after seeking the wisdom of my childhood pastor (he said you need to do what you hear the Lord calling you to do). I knew God was putting us together (we met over the Internet - yes, scary). In any case, God did put us together and we just had our 4th child together (6 in all). We will celebrate our 8th anniversary this summer. God bless you and your new family!

    1. Wow Amy...that IS a great story...and I am in favor of the online dating...I did try it but God had a different plan! Congratulations on a house full of love and Happy early Anniversary to you both!!

  4. what an incredible story! i am rejoicing with you gale! with a lil.tears of joy of course!

    1. Thank you sweet friend...I get little tears of joy every day now!!! Thank you for rejoicing with me!

  5. What a blessing to hear this incredible journey for you and Garett. I couldn't be happier and as I said before, you both have received God's Best!

  6. Thank you Donna! We sure do feel God gave each of us His best for us...what a wonderful feeling!

  7. Jennifer HindererWednesday, March 21, 2012

    Congrats, Gale! That was a beautiful story! I do wish you all the happiness! Your pictures are wonderful!

  8. Thank you you!

  9. Gale, Congratulations to both of you and the kids ! You are a God fearing woman and I know if the Lord said follow YOU follow ! I learn a lesson from every blog, thank you for opening your heart and your life and sharing! You will have a wonderful marriage, and I am anxious to meet this man that stole your heart and fulfilled your dreams. You said it and it came to true !! Love you my friend, See you tomorrow !! Love Joni

  10. Can't wait to see you! Each time we have gotten together you have listened to my life story unfold...some good and some not so good...we have good laughs too...thank you for being a rock and confidant...your true concern over all the years has been a blessing to receive as we work together for a lifetime! Thank you and love you too my friend!

  11. Gale,
    Isn't God amazing.. As soon as we "give up" He works in ways we can't fathom.. I am so glad that you have found God's chosen ONE for you.. Thankyou Garett for waiting for God's chosen for you as well and allowing Him to lead in your life.. You are both blessed ..


    1. Thank you for your words...You are so right! God does show up when we give up...and thank you for that reminder!
