Thursday, February 16, 2012

Don't Give Up

Do you want to feel better?  Do you want the pain and heartache to go away?  Do you just want some direction or answers?  Here are ten ideas to get you started.  Stop everything and focus on this list in a 24 hour period! 

Focus on #1 and #2 the first 8 hour day....then work through #3-#10 the second day. (If you can get off work for the second day as well; then do it)...If taking off work is simply not an option for you...then you must work through this list on your next two day weekend or your days off. 

Ten Things To Do When Life gets Too Hard

1.  Pray for Direction and Peace...If you don't know how...ask someone who does to pray for you!

2.  Take a day off work and go to lunch, the park or shopping...anything but stay at drinking or going to clubs...just a peaceful day with no responsibilities...maybe catch a movie or visit an attraction close to town...if you have an encouraging friend who is available ask them to join you for the day.

3.  Sit down and make a list of 6 things you would like to accomplish today. (phone calls, errands, purchases, bills paid...anything that is time sensitive)

4.  Schedule an appointment for a facial, manicure or haircut.

5.  Listen to uplifting, upbeat music all day....maybe do a short workout or walk in your neighborhood while listening to your favorite tunes.

6.  Print off a few positive quotes and hang them in the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.

7.  Put some order into your life: the overwhelming pile of clothes, the cluttered room, closet, garage or cabinets.  Take time to deal with one cluttered area.

8.  Give something away today...a box of things to goodwill, a gift to a friend, flowers at the grocery store, a kind word with a smile...think of something to offer others.

9.  Make something homemade....a  meal, a craft...anything that requires a little time, attention and love.

10.  Take Action on the "Elephant" in your life: the dreaded phone call, the appointment, the confrontation, the step at a time.

When you are finished....thank God for a little direction and some peace and one more day of life! Remember: This too shall pass, and there are brighter days ahead!  Don't give up!

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