Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Present Circumstances

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start." Nido Qubein

If we could grasp a hold of this idea we might all just be a little more positive about life in general.  I think it's easy to look back on our past or take inventory of our present situation and get discouraged.  We may not like where we  have been...or where we are now, but we don't have to stay in either place. The problem is that most of us can't see how to change it.  It is also easy to fall in the trap of believing that success is for the chosen few.   But, really it is for all who choose!

It could be that a certain friend is successful because his parents had enough income to help him buy a car and go to college.  Maybe a lucrative business was handed down to a young man, and he had a ready made platform of clients to build on.  We often hear of athletes whose parents were athletes, preachers who come from dynamic fathers in the ministry, nurses and doctors who send their children into the medical field, farmers who teach their sons the the trade of agriculture, mother's teaching their daughters life skills...the list is endless.  I think it's honorable and downright rewarding for parents to pass on their knowledge, skills and influence to their children...if their child has grown to love the same line of work.  But, what if you weren't so fortunate?  No trade was  passed on to you...your parents were middle class or even poverty stricken...maybe, you did not have parents around to influence you at all?  This should not stop you from dreaming.  God has planted a skill, a talent, a desire and the tools to complete them in your very being.  If you will flip the coin and look at your starting point as an advantage instead of a disadvantage you will be the next great success story! It's an advantage because the measurement is by your desire only.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish or how much money you make.  It is not even measured by how you start.  Look at all the celebrities...lives of fame, fortune and success...but most remembered by the love they gave and the lives they touched.  Success is in the legacy you leave when your days on earth come to an end. You may need to start from scratch or be resourceful.  And, if you need to increase your energy level...begin with changing your diet and exercise.  Don't be afraid to work a little harder then you think others do, or even save a little more and spend a little less.  In the long run you will influence more people and become more skilled then you ever would have if your life were "just a little easier."

You have the ability to leave a gift to this world and to your children. You have the right to make a difference in history.  In fact, no matter how insignificant you think your existence might be...you are a part of making history and you were most certainly created to bring glory to the Creator himself!  You must believe in yourself or others will not. You are building a platform for your children to begin their legacy on.  They will soar higher because of your hard work.  Don't give up on your dream because it looks impossible.  Stop looking back...you are not going that way.  Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be...because you only have one life to do all the things God planted in your "hearts' desire" and ability to do.  Along the way, you will experience trials, sorrows, happiness, and love. It will all be a part of defining who you become and what you leave behind.  Don't let your present circumstances consume you to the point of no productivity.  You have a great deal to offer the world around you.  Start today...making a difference...for tomorrow! Your past didn't define you...it refined you.  Your present circumstances are just where you begin...and your future depends on you...I can't wait to see where you finish!

Whatever you do...just don't panic...there is hope for your future and with that hope comes peace!

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