Friday, March 2, 2012

Love Wins

It sure doesn't feel like love wins on most days.  If your life has been anything like mine in the often seems like the one with the most money wins, or the person with the most clever scheme gets all the perks. Those who lie and deceive get all the love.  In sports it's those "dirty" players that come out on top. As far as politics are concerned, well, it sure looks like Satan wins. It's all who you know, how many lies you can tell, how many people you can pacify, or who you can pay off.  In families the children who scream the loudest and throw the most fits tend to get whatever they want.

I started to really examine this concept and it's no wonder we toss around the phrase..."if you can't beat 'em..join 'em. Culturally, when we look at the big scheme of things, if we think we can't make a difference in the outcome...we do nothing.  We let the ones with the biggest bank accounts and biggest mouths decide for us.  In relationships we sometimes take what is dished out...even if it's not good for us.  If we are not careful we become the same way.  We learn to lie, cheat, and deceive because it seems to work for everyone else.  It is often the accepted way of doing things.....even in the God's house...sad as it is...but even sinners go to Church!

When we live life with the philosophy that love is not enough to conquer all...then unforgiveness sets in. We become bitter at those who have mistreated us, and we are angry at those that seem to have blessings they don't deserve.  What we must understand is that in their hearts they are empty.  They are searching for the next "high." The greatest earthly "high" comes from love.  Love that only can be given by God himself.  Begin loving everyone around you with your whole heart, and trust God that He will teach you how to love more than you feel capable.  He has already given you complete forgiveness for your past present and future sins...extend that forgiveness to others, and watch how He brings a love greater than life itself into your heart....There is no time to sit around and try to figure out something that you will never understand away. Let it go and let love come back around again. I took this next paragraph from a friend...unedited...she sums it up perfectly....

 "Forgiveness won't change the past, but it has the ability to change the future." Anger hurts you more than the person you are angry with... So it's time to stop being angry and remember in the is very short and Love Wins!

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