Friday, January 21, 2011

With A Warmth You Can't Imagine....

Have you ever been so cold you just can't get warm not matter what?  You try putting on more clothes or drinking something hot, yet the cold follows you all day long.  Sometimes our insecurities can be just like that feeling.  They follow us all day long.  Confident looking or warm on the outside but insecure or cold on the inside. We try to mask them by what we say or how we dress, but they are still there.  When we focus on helping others we give a back seat to those insecurities.  As a matter of fact, when we use our talents and strengths to benefit others we actually warm up. We become confident. What we think as insignificant others will appreciate beyond what's imaginable.  Try opening doors for others, help an elderly person at the grocery store, or lend a listening ear to someone who is hurting.  Offer your job skills...for a friend in need, help a neighbor with a project, or even read a book to a child.  It doesn't really matter what it just matters that it was given freely and unconditionally.  When you do this, you will be filled with a warmth you can't imagine.  The insecurities and coldness that normally follow you will be replaced with a confidence and a fire that is a blessing to others.  I love sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking a hot cup of coffee.  I enjoy the heat of a candle or the rays of the sun on my back.  I love warm sand between my toes and a hot shower.  I prefer to eat my dinner hot rather than cold.  I like to relax under a heating blanket and feel the comfort of fuzzy socks.  And, who can pass up a heated car seat?  The hot water in a jacuzzi is pretty inviting too.  I can keep racking up this list of warm creature comforts that I love, but when I see the smile of a child, hear a sincere thank you from a friend, or help a stranger unaware...when I give of my time and talents with no expectation of a return...I experience warmth in my soul...and that NEVER gets cold.  During the next few days I hope you are filled with a "warmth you can't imagine" will know when you experience it, and your lack of confidence and insecurities will soon be replaced with a desire to help others and not only warm their soul but set a fire in yours!

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