Monday, January 17, 2011

Trading Places

I have adopted a new motto.  "I will not take advice from someone I would not trade places with."  How many times do we take the words of friends or family to heart and lament over them for days, weeks or possibly even years?  When I work for my "why" know... the white picket fence I'm creating...then great things happen. My passion is caught by others and they help me in my quest.  Sometimes they even help me scrape the fence or buy a new section!  I love it!  When someone talks to me about giving up or comments how hard it must be for me to go for my dream I remind myself who the source I want their life?  Or, are they headed in the a similar direction as me? Truly, we become like the 5 people we hang around the most.  It's time for self-evaluation.  Are the people you are communicating with always complaining, depressed, or angry. Is the glass half empty for them all the time?  If that's the case you may want to limit communication with them. I don't mean ignore them.  They very well could be your family and may need your help.  But, in order to set your dream a fire or separate yourself from mediocrity you will need to find some big dreamers...some encouraging people in your life.  Sometimes, they are hard to find so, you must rely on God's word and some motivational reading material!  I enjoy talking to people who I would gladly trade places gives me inspiration and hope for the future!!

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