Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"I Love My Life"

How do we get to the point in life where we shout out, "I love my life?"  I listened to some incredible speeches given by people who are very successful, and I heard this statement reiterated over and over again.  The smiles beaming from ear to ear, the passion in their voice and the charge to live it out yourself was clear to all who heard. One commonality that I picked up on was nothing they had in life was taken for granted.  Everything and everyone was a gift.  I also knew some previous background on the speakers and was aware that their journey to this statement was not without temptations, challenges, and roadblocks.  In some of their stories I heard hardships that no one cares to repeat. They had financial disasters, grief, physical and emotional set backs and some of the speakers would even be considered the underdog or the least likely to succeed.  Now these strong leaders have some victories, some lessons learned, and many prizes for finishing the course.  You see, these dreamers never quit.  Not only did they dream but they put action to their dreams.  They worked hard, they got help, they kept going when others stopped right in front of them.  That might create a mind picture of pain, but these entrepreneurs smiled and laughed along the journey and during those toughest times they learned to draw strength from their creator, Jesus Christ.  He gave them strength. He gave them rest. He gave them peace in the storm. He gave them tenacity. He gave them power partners and encouragers and He gave them shoulders to cry on when they needed it the most.  It didn't stop there.  Because of their belief and trust in God to help them, they were able to reap the rewards of their physical labor here on earth.  We may not always have the privilege of collecting the reward of a job well done here on earth, but I do believe when we have a personal encounter with the Christ of Galilee(read about the Master of ministry in the New Testament) every thing we say and do will go hand in hand....these speakers encountered Christ on their journey. They were the recipients of His blessings and they could shout, "I Love My Life."  Don't you want to be the recipient of His blessings?  Begin looking at each day and everyone in it as a gift!  If you are having trouble praising God for where you are today...then praise Him for where you are headed....and one day soon you will shout, "I Love My Life!"

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