Sunday, December 25, 2011

Morning Blessings

I'm not generally a morning person. I love the quiet and my cup of coffee. I enjoy reading the word and praying.  Even on school mornings I quietly take care of the dog and make lunches. My words are few. If my responsiblilities weren't great I'd even stay in bed a little longer....but God knew I needed Morning Blessings....the start of a new day that forgives me of yesterdays' failures, the hope that much can be accomplished on my list, the very breath of life to get another chance to love and laugh and learn, the majesty of sunrise, a warm shower and the peaceful sleep of my children....
Christmas morning trumps all my daily blessings. For it is on this morning I add gift giving, hugs and laughter, time anticipated with family,the hope of another year and most importantly this morning points to the story long ago in the town of Bethlehem. The coolest blessing even recognized by those with little faith in Jesus throughout the year...even the rocks will sing Happy Birthday Jesus on this most celebrated day. Jesus is well pleased with His creation in you and He wants you to enjoy Christmas Morning 365 days a year! Merry Christmas my beautiful friends!

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