Thursday, December 29, 2011

Comfort or Control

Can you methodically go through the grocery store and pick out your weekly groceries with little to no thought? Do you choose the same cashier? How about parking places or restaurants, stores you frequent, routes you take?...are they always the same? I often do the same things without thinking. When I went through the grocery store I realized that I buy certain foods for my children because it makes them happy. I went to an Italian restaurant tonight, and the menu even had a column for Italian "comfort" food.  I decided that my comforts are a form of control. When there are areas in my life that I cannot control...I do all the things that make me feel comfortable. I'm not saying this is always wrong. Familiar comforts do provide some sense of security in this crazy world, but I recognized in my quest to find my "white picket fence" I will need to give up some creature comforts, otherwise, things I control in order to experience something I have never had!

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