Friday, December 30, 2011

Immediate Change

I imagine that if you haven't already been thinking about it....a New Years' resolution is about to roll off your tongue. For many people a new diet with a goal of weight loss will begin in a few days. Some others have committed to the gym once again and in January all workout facilities will be crowded with "good intentions" and the disciplined will get their favorite treadmill back in February!  Ha! Others of us have decided on a new way of life in the form of new friendships, dropping unhealthy ones, possibly a change in career or a move. Financial goals are sure to be on the list as well. High hopes to clean up clutter and get organized or begin a new hobby cross our minds. Whatever you are thinking about regarding changes for 2012 let me encourage you to make a change today in a little way that will make a big impact all year long.  Smile more, have a positive attitude, control your temper, clean up your speech, dress so that you feel and look good every day, and look for ways to bless others. All your good intentions for the new year take commitment and discipline.  You CAN accomplish them over time especially when you take little steps to change what you can immediately. So, promise yourself not to get discouraged in a few weeks when "life" interferes with your plans. Make an immediate change today and you will be well on your way to a New You in 2012!!!

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