Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Love

There is a book with this title which I think is awesome but not the same crazy love I'm talking about. Have you ever been in a relationship where you think about the other person nearly all day long? You are consumed with thoughts of seeing them and talking to them. Virtually everything you do you imagine how they would fit in the picture if they were there.  You often daydream, forget where you put your keys or don't answer a simple question a friend is asking.  Your focus seems a little off.  I think this is crazy love...I look at teenagers or college students, and I see their cheeks get red when they talk about their new love. They begin liking new music or dressing differently. They spend every free moment texting, talking or hanging out with this special friend. When you are crazy in love you will do things not common to your natural characteristics, and friends might think you really are crazy.  And, they just might be right. Crazy love can also be a definition for passion.  When you are passionate about something you won't stop until you get it! Have you lost that crazy love feeling? Or, is it possible you have never felt it?  I think it is because we don't allow ourselves to find the place in our heart to be so out of control we feel crazy.  Let me encourage you to find the fire inside of your heart to love like you never have before.  Pour out all you have within you, and watch your love come alive and be returned to you.  Is it a risk?  Why, sure it is. But it is far better to live and have loved than to have lived and never loved at all....I don't believe you can go wrong for loving someone....It's days can come to an end due to circumstances beyond your control...but it just leads to an open door to love again....some people never get one chance let alone multiple chances at love....crazy yes...worth it...absolutely!

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