Saturday, December 31, 2011

OMG or "Oh My God"

"Oh my God, I trust in thee, Let me not be ashamed let not mine enemies triumph over me..." This is a phrase to an old song we used to sing in Church when I was growing up. It's a plea to the Heavenly Father in a prayer proclaiming trust and asking for courage. In todays' society OMG is found on glitzy t-shirts for girls, and used in text quite frequently. It rolls off our tongues as an expression of disbelief, excitement, frustration, surprise...really it can mean a myraid of expressions depending on your tone and context. Scripture clearly states in the ten commandments, "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." This includes the names Jesus and Christ. I think you will agree that our world has defined plenty of other profane words to use that the names of God could be left off the list! I also think you would agree that most generally people do not intend to curse the name of God, but really use the phrase "oh my God" out of habit and haven't given much thought to it. In our house I'm quick to replace this phrase with, "Oh My Gosh" which some would say is just a euphemism like heck in place of hell or darn in place of damn. But, for my family, it's clearly not the name of God so a satisfactory replacement of the expression.  God is concerned with the intent of your heart not the legalism of law. We are covered under the grace of the blood of Jesus Christ which makes us righteous. So, if you've never thought about it before you probably weren't cursing God's name intentionally. But, the next time you loosely call out His name, especially when you are frustrated, try asking for courage and proclaim your trust in Him.  Be careful not to use the names of God in a profane way!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Immediate Change

I imagine that if you haven't already been thinking about it....a New Years' resolution is about to roll off your tongue. For many people a new diet with a goal of weight loss will begin in a few days. Some others have committed to the gym once again and in January all workout facilities will be crowded with "good intentions" and the disciplined will get their favorite treadmill back in February!  Ha! Others of us have decided on a new way of life in the form of new friendships, dropping unhealthy ones, possibly a change in career or a move. Financial goals are sure to be on the list as well. High hopes to clean up clutter and get organized or begin a new hobby cross our minds. Whatever you are thinking about regarding changes for 2012 let me encourage you to make a change today in a little way that will make a big impact all year long.  Smile more, have a positive attitude, control your temper, clean up your speech, dress so that you feel and look good every day, and look for ways to bless others. All your good intentions for the new year take commitment and discipline.  You CAN accomplish them over time especially when you take little steps to change what you can immediately. So, promise yourself not to get discouraged in a few weeks when "life" interferes with your plans. Make an immediate change today and you will be well on your way to a New You in 2012!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Comfort or Control

Can you methodically go through the grocery store and pick out your weekly groceries with little to no thought? Do you choose the same cashier? How about parking places or restaurants, stores you frequent, routes you take?...are they always the same? I often do the same things without thinking. When I went through the grocery store I realized that I buy certain foods for my children because it makes them happy. I went to an Italian restaurant tonight, and the menu even had a column for Italian "comfort" food.  I decided that my comforts are a form of control. When there are areas in my life that I cannot control...I do all the things that make me feel comfortable. I'm not saying this is always wrong. Familiar comforts do provide some sense of security in this crazy world, but I recognized in my quest to find my "white picket fence" I will need to give up some creature comforts, otherwise, things I control in order to experience something I have never had!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favor or Favortism

"Mom, that's not fair." This is a statement I've come to hear a lot.  If you have more than one child you may hear it often as well.  Unless you have twins, your children are not the same age at the same time and even if they are all children progress at different levels, and gender plays a role in their developmental stages too.  Therefore, someone gets a bike before another, one may get a phone while the other has to wait, ears may be pierced at different ages, trips taken on different occasions, going on a date or driving a car may vary from one child to another, or privileges given at certain benchmarks in life can change with depending on the child.  I even hear adults use the same phrase, "It's not fair." Maybe they are discussing salaries of other co-workers or treatment they receive within their family from parents or siblings. Fairness issues come about when someone thinks they should have received the exact same gift, treatment or opportunity that another person was given.  I have recently decided to adopt the mindset that since I know life can be unfair, and I can't always be fair to everyone... I CAN focus on favor.  I can teach my children that when one of them receives something that the other does not...that person has just received favor, and we can rejoice in it because their day of favor is coming. They can accept that their brother or sister gets something or receives a privilege that they don't...knowing that when their favor comes it may even be greater! I can't possibly do the same thing for each child all the time, but it's not going to stop me from doing for one what I would love to do for all.  So, the next time you are feeling guilty about showing favoritism to one of your children...don't...simply share with them that this is called favor...a gift from the Lord... and tell the others God loves them so much His favor for them must be coming soon. Teach them to look for it, recognize it as God's favor, accept it and give Him thanks for it! And as far as adults are concerned...the principle is the same...rejoice in one anothers' favor because your day is coming! Look for it!

Monday, December 26, 2011

High Expectations

We often put a great deal of pressure on Christmas day. We spend a lot of money on the perfect gifts, a great deal of time cleaning our homes, baking cookies and building excitement in our children and for that matter even ourselves. All of this is normal for many people, but you may be left feeling disappointed today. It could be your children were upset because all they had wished for didn't arrive, or they didn't behave. You prepared your best meal and someone didn't show or even commented that they were expecting better. Some of us had the intention of getting along with everyone and Debbie downer rained on our parade. I have a few friends who were sick and even worse their little ones were stuck in bed with fevers. Today is a new day and I want to encourage you to move forward with joy. You are not the only who puts high expectations on the love, joy and peace of Christmas day. Just remember we can celebrate Christmas in our hearts all year long and that's a way higher calling then one day a year!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Morning Blessings

I'm not generally a morning person. I love the quiet and my cup of coffee. I enjoy reading the word and praying.  Even on school mornings I quietly take care of the dog and make lunches. My words are few. If my responsiblilities weren't great I'd even stay in bed a little longer....but God knew I needed Morning Blessings....the start of a new day that forgives me of yesterdays' failures, the hope that much can be accomplished on my list, the very breath of life to get another chance to love and laugh and learn, the majesty of sunrise, a warm shower and the peaceful sleep of my children....
Christmas morning trumps all my daily blessings. For it is on this morning I add gift giving, hugs and laughter, time anticipated with family,the hope of another year and most importantly this morning points to the story long ago in the town of Bethlehem. The coolest blessing even recognized by those with little faith in Jesus throughout the year...even the rocks will sing Happy Birthday Jesus on this most celebrated day. Jesus is well pleased with His creation in you and He wants you to enjoy Christmas Morning 365 days a year! Merry Christmas my beautiful friends!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Divided Home

This Christmas season your home may be divided like mine.  Maybe you are divorced and your children have to spend half the holiday with mom and half the holiday with dad. It's possible that you will see family members over the next few days that you don't mesh with or flat out don't get along with.  It's not uncommon for households to struggle with these situations. I encourage you to stretch your heart a little and extend love, joy and peace to those you are divided with...there is no better season to grant forgiveness.  God sent His son, Jesus, for such a time as this...Jesus was born so that in our death we may have eternal life. Share the good news with others and accept His forgiveness yourself. May your home feel exactly as God intended this season...whole and united because He lives in you!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Love

There is a book with this title which I think is awesome but not the same crazy love I'm talking about. Have you ever been in a relationship where you think about the other person nearly all day long? You are consumed with thoughts of seeing them and talking to them. Virtually everything you do you imagine how they would fit in the picture if they were there.  You often daydream, forget where you put your keys or don't answer a simple question a friend is asking.  Your focus seems a little off.  I think this is crazy love...I look at teenagers or college students, and I see their cheeks get red when they talk about their new love. They begin liking new music or dressing differently. They spend every free moment texting, talking or hanging out with this special friend. When you are crazy in love you will do things not common to your natural characteristics, and friends might think you really are crazy.  And, they just might be right. Crazy love can also be a definition for passion.  When you are passionate about something you won't stop until you get it! Have you lost that crazy love feeling? Or, is it possible you have never felt it?  I think it is because we don't allow ourselves to find the place in our heart to be so out of control we feel crazy.  Let me encourage you to find the fire inside of your heart to love like you never have before.  Pour out all you have within you, and watch your love come alive and be returned to you.  Is it a risk?  Why, sure it is. But it is far better to live and have loved than to have lived and never loved at all....I don't believe you can go wrong for loving someone....It's days can come to an end due to circumstances beyond your control...but it just leads to an open door to love again....some people never get one chance let alone multiple chances at love....crazy yes...worth it...absolutely!