Monday, March 7, 2011


There is not any present moment that is unconnected with some future one. The life of every man is a continued chain of incidents, each link of which hangs upon the former.....I stole a portion of  this quote...not even sure where from...but I love it.  When we grasp the fact that our life is a continual chain of events linked to the one before we will be able to design our life!  We are always in a state of transition.  We go to school, we graduate, we get a job, we get married, we change jobs, we have children, we get divorced, we go back to school and the cycle goes on.  For some the transitions are less dramatic then others and come with certain stages of life.  We are aging and our family is aging therefore our responsibilities change along the way.  We don't have to react to life.  We can plan.  When we decide to to go to school for a certain profession we are designing the path of occupation we want to take.  When we move to an area of town we are designing the lifestyle we want our children to grow up in.  I often hear people say, " I'm going through a transition right now."  What they mean by that is they can't make any decisions of great value, and they are stuck.  I want to respond by saying,  "that's good, I am too."  If you are not going through a continual state of transition you are standing still and not moving forward toward your dream.  Embrace transition.  Realize that it is an open opportunity for you to meet people, grow, get unstuck.  It may very well be the path to the dream you have been trying to create all along.

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