Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Subtle Hints.....

Do you ever feel like maybe you should do what the fortune cookie says?  Do you ever pass a sign on the road that has your name in big black print? Or, maybe not your name, but even more unsettling...the sign actually answers a question you just asked in your head.  How about....you pick up a book, read an email or a blog post that seems to be talking right to you and your current situation? 

I am so aware of these signs that I actually look for them now.  I love the subtle hints all around me.  I especially like them when they come from my family...unprompted.  Just today, my daughter created a new screen saver on my computer with my small business unit name on it.  I never said I wanted that, and I never asked her to make me a new screen saver.  She just thought it up all on her own.  I don't know what even prompted her. It was just the subtle motivation I needed from my child to keep working hard in my business.  Has anyone ever confirmed a career for you, or made a difficult decision seem clear by something they said?  These really aren't subtle hints at all. I believe some things aren't meant for us and just seem random for sure, but when some random things make sense...I believe it is how God orchestrates His creation and the world around us to speak to us. 

There are messages, encouragements and warnings everywhere.  Be open to what God is saying to you through the "subtle hints" around you!

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