Sunday, March 20, 2011

Perfect Fit

We often try to fit the wrong person into the right spot.  Have you ever put a puzzle together with someone who insists on making a piece fit, and you know it doesn't go there?  Have you ever put together a piece of equipment, toy or furniture item and you end up with extra pieces that don't seem to belong anywhere?  We all have a dream of what we hope our lives look like at certain benchmarks.  The problem is we panic. When we reach those benchmarks and the picture isn't complete...we try to hurry up and cram in a piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit. We just put it together without really knowing where all the pieces belong.  Life is so much like this.  We try and change people who are already in our life and convince them they are supposed to be there.  We create a role for them in our life that doesn't fit for them.  We do this because we think we have little time, or we think we may not find the right person for that role. But, the truth is, if we wait patiently and we don't force others to fit where they are not designed...we will honestly be on the road to creating our dream in God's timing. People come and go in our lives...let them...they are there for a reason and sometimes just a season.  Don't force people to fit in your will know for sure when they are a perfect fit!

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