Saturday, June 11, 2011

Going through the motions...

Do you sometimes feel like you are just living, going through the motions each day? Do things seem to remain the same day after day, month after month and year after year?  And, does it seem like it's the negative aspects that stay the same?  The bad habits are still partnering with you.  The financial struggles still weighing on your shoulders, and the drama within your extended family members seems to be the same old story.  The only thing that changes is the fact that you are getting older.

Let me encourage you to focus on the positive expectation that God has blessings in store for you.  Don't focus on the sorrow or the way things have always been.  We have a living hope that allows us to be actively alive.  I Peter 1:18 reminds us that we were bought with the blood of Christ and the empty way of life that may have been handed down to us is not where we have to live. 

Uncover the dreams of your heart, and put them into action. Make a plan with a deadline, and start checking off the list.  Be sure to tell someone who will breathe life into your dream and protect it from the dream robbers.  If you don't have a dream, begin making a list of all the things you would love to do but for whatever reason think they are out of your reach.  Fold the paper in half, put it under your pillow and begin to ask God to show you the dream He has for you!  Give Him the permission to lead you and He will empower you. 

When you desire to do what is right you don't have to lament over if it is the "will of God" or not.  He will open and close doors as you begin to walk.  Many things in life fall under the providential will of God...meaning He chooses to bless His children in the path you take.  Scripture will unfold and clearly steer you away from things that displease Him, and His will concerning some issues are clearly stated.   What person you marry, what college you go to, what business you should start, what purchases you make ect...unfortunately are not found in the pages of scriptures...He let's you make a decision...walk forward believing...don't give open to change direction....and watch the mighty hand of God lead your way and bless your efforts abundantly.  What you think about you can create. Your white picket fence is within reach.  No more going through the motions and allowing life to determine what happens to you.  Seek God first and together you can determine how you live out your life!

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