Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cry and Run or Laugh and Stay?

Have you ever had your heart hurt so bad it brought tears straight up your throat and before you knew it they were flowing down your cheeks?  You didn't even have time to stop them.  Maybe a friend said an unkind word and because nothing was really moving in your favor that day it  was just your breaking point.  How about an unexpected sad story you hear about the neglect of a child or abuse of a neighbor? Someone you love is getting a divorce or disease takes residence in their life.  I can recall countless times when I went from joy to sadness in a moments' notice.  When this happens do you cry and run away or laugh and stay?  Well, cry and run away is the most popular answer.  To laugh in the state of sadness just seems unkind.  But, I have found that when the tears begin to flow, if I can turn them into the joy of the Lord, my staying power increases.  Running from our hurts is a recipe for depression.  The next time you face unexpected tears, take a minute to ask the Lord what joy can come from this experience...and stay with your friend, stay and say your sorry, stay and find forgiveness, stay and pray...and watch the Lord turn your sorrow into gladness and create in you a stronger heart to "stay" when the tough times produce tears.

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