Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Get up and Get Going....

Don't just sit there! Get up and get going!! Really, I'm not kidding. Have you ever thought about how much time you waste?  Do you watch a television program every night or maybe more than one each night?  Do you talk on the phone to family or friends about your struggles or the people around you?  What is robbing you of your time?  How about this computer?  Do you use the tools you have to pour into the lives of others, or are they used to just fill the hours? 

I know you have a dream in your heart.  It may have been there since you were a child or possibly it's a new dream cultivated by your experiences.  What are  you going to do with it?  Make a plan, and get up right this very minute, and do something that will stir up the dream and breathe life into it.  You don't have to settle for the life you have. Start hanging around people who share the same type of dreams and do something every day to move closer to them.  Practice harder, or longer.  Get a coach.  Give away clutter that's in your way.  Move to a new location.  Yes, that's right.  Move.  Sing, write, dance, go to school.  Get an accountability partner to help you with your addictions.  Whatever it is make the call today!  It will take effort...no, it will take more than effort...it will take hard work to research and line up the funding, people or circumstances needed to follow your dream.  I promise the reward will be one of pure joy, and I have a feeling you will get more than you ever thought possible.  Life is too short to waste it.....you are beautiful, talented and designed to do more than you have so far....show yourself and others what God has given you....Get up and get going!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's Good Enough?

I just want to be "good enough."  Have you ever said that?  Do you feel like the world is constantly correcting you?  You have to speak a certain way, dress with an acceptable style, perform at a desired level and act in a way not offensive to anyone.  Do you feel like you're just not measuring up to your family's expectations?  Maybe when your husband arrives home for the day the greeting with a kiss somehow faded away and is replaced with words of criticism. Why didn't you clean the house or get the bills paid? Other moms in your circle of influence dress their children with "that" name brand.  You dress your kids in hand-me-downs or discount store clothing. No matter how hard you try, your quarterly review at work always contains areas where you need to improve and not much praise for a job well done. Do you compare your weight or looks to those on t.v or in a magazine...or worse yet, your friends? Let me encourage you to try and find a balance in this area.  It is very important to continually strive to do and be better every day.  Working on your outward appearance is not only good for your health but also your self-esteem. Don't stop in these areas...just remember scripture tells us that God is not so concerned with outward appearance as He is with what flows out of our hearts.  Is your heart pure before God?  Do you love others above yourself? Do you guard your tongue from speaking hurtful words?  Is it your desire that people are encouraged and feel better when you are with them?

You are already "good enough" to receive the love of God.  He loves you the way you are.  He knew because of our sin we weren't "good enough" to enter Heaven.  That is why He sent His son, Jesus, to pay the righteous price. We do not have to earn His love and acceptance.  We already have it.  Even the Pharisees, who had very good behavior were criticized by Jesus for being hypocrites. If we are striving for perfection it just isn't going to happen. How would we ever know when we have been good enough...where would the line be drawn? Who would be the example? Jesus was the only one without sin...thus, He paid the ultimate price and shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins!  Striving to be good and do good is a gift back to God when you stand before Him one day, so that He can say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

Now that you know you can never be "good enough" to earn God's love...He gave it as a free gift...it frees you up to be "good enough" to give back the gift with your life choices.  No more comparing yourself to others and falling short.  Do your best with the talents and abilities you have been given and "give back" every day.  In the book of Colossians it reminds us that it doesn't matter a bit what the world thinks.  God is concerned with your heart.  You are not good enough to enter the Kingdom of Heaven...but thank goodness you don't have to be...however, you are "good enough" to please God with all He gave you...don't let anyone tell you differently!

Book Note: I haven't read it in awhile, but I know Andy Stanley has a small little book called  How good is good enough? 

Going through the motions...

Do you sometimes feel like you are just living, going through the motions each day? Do things seem to remain the same day after day, month after month and year after year?  And, does it seem like it's the negative aspects that stay the same?  The bad habits are still partnering with you.  The financial struggles still weighing on your shoulders, and the drama within your extended family members seems to be the same old story.  The only thing that changes is the fact that you are getting older.

Let me encourage you to focus on the positive expectation that God has blessings in store for you.  Don't focus on the sorrow or the way things have always been.  We have a living hope that allows us to be actively alive.  I Peter 1:18 reminds us that we were bought with the blood of Christ and the empty way of life that may have been handed down to us is not where we have to live. 

Uncover the dreams of your heart, and put them into action. Make a plan with a deadline, and start checking off the list.  Be sure to tell someone who will breathe life into your dream and protect it from the dream robbers.  If you don't have a dream, begin making a list of all the things you would love to do but for whatever reason think they are out of your reach.  Fold the paper in half, put it under your pillow and begin to ask God to show you the dream He has for you!  Give Him the permission to lead you and He will empower you. 

When you desire to do what is right you don't have to lament over if it is the "will of God" or not.  He will open and close doors as you begin to walk.  Many things in life fall under the providential will of God...meaning He chooses to bless His children in the path you take.  Scripture will unfold and clearly steer you away from things that displease Him, and His will concerning some issues are clearly stated.   What person you marry, what college you go to, what business you should start, what purchases you make ect...unfortunately are not found in the pages of scriptures...He let's you decide...so make a decision...walk forward believing...don't give up....be open to change direction....and watch the mighty hand of God lead your way and bless your efforts abundantly.  What you think about you can create. Your white picket fence is within reach.  No more going through the motions and allowing life to determine what happens to you.  Seek God first and together you can determine how you live out your life!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I didn't save an unborn child from an abortion, I didn't heal a broken heart, I didn't have a cure for certain death, I didn't take the pain away from a cancer patient undergoing chemo, and I couldn't even help a friend in financial crisis.  When a mother lost her child, and a man lost his wife in a car accident, injustice clearly happened....I couldn't do a thing, and I had no words of comfort...I was powerless.
Or, was I?

When your friend goes through a divorce they never wanted, loses a job that provides for their family, has a rebellious child or is unjustly accused....what do you do?  Are we really powerless? Do we just have to play the cards that are dealt to us?  Or, do we have choices?  I know we have choices on how we react, but do we have a say in what really happens to us each day?  I believe we do.  We have power in the very name of Jesus.  When our hopes and dreams are to bring Him glory...the desires of our hearts will come to pass.  We can pray in the mighty name of Jesus for all the hurts going on around us.  We can ask for a hedge of protection around our home and family.  We can bring all our requests before the Lord and He will hear us.  We can plead on the behalf of our brother and sister, and know that God will take care of them.  Never feel powerless over pain...offer help when you are able, but love unconditionally, and pray for your friends and family when they can't pray for themselves.  God is powerful, and He will ultimately bring to pass what will point others in His direction. Anyone who has survived the "unthinkable" will give you hope...that God was with them, and they couldn't have survived their circumstance with out His supernatural intervention.

Please hear my heart...if your prayers are not answered in the "fair" way you believe that they should be answered...and the hedge of protection is lifted...God is not finished.  He has not forgotten you and He has not rejected you.  He knows what your future holds.  He only gives us what we can bear at the time...He is more powerful than the pain you face, and He will give strength to the powerless. Trust Him!

Cry and Run or Laugh and Stay?

Have you ever had your heart hurt so bad it brought tears straight up your throat and before you knew it they were flowing down your cheeks?  You didn't even have time to stop them.  Maybe a friend said an unkind word and because nothing was really moving in your favor that day it  was just your breaking point.  How about an unexpected sad story you hear about the neglect of a child or abuse of a neighbor? Someone you love is getting a divorce or disease takes residence in their life.  I can recall countless times when I went from joy to sadness in a moments' notice.  When this happens do you cry and run away or laugh and stay?  Well, cry and run away is the most popular answer.  To laugh in the state of sadness just seems unkind.  But, I have found that when the tears begin to flow, if I can turn them into the joy of the Lord, my staying power increases.  Running from our hurts is a recipe for depression.  The next time you face unexpected tears, take a minute to ask the Lord what joy can come from this experience...and stay with your friend, stay and say your sorry, stay and find forgiveness, stay and pray...and watch the Lord turn your sorrow into gladness and create in you a stronger heart to "stay" when the tough times produce tears.