Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It takes courage to start a new job. No wait, it takes even more courage to apply for a new job sometimes.  It takes courage to buy your first car or first home.  It takes courage to get married or leave an unhealthy relationship.  It takes courage to support your family or make a big move.  You get it.  Life decisions take courage.  What exactly does that mean?  Well, anytime I have a decision to make no matter if it is a daily what do I wear, where do I go, or the next level where do I work, where do I live, who do I marry or how many children should I doesn't matter whether my decisions are small or big....mark it can get opinions in favor of or against what you choose.  The more people you poll the more you may find criticism.  This is where courage comes to play.  One definition of courage is to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism. It means you decided with your soul and you move in that direction no matter what people think.  Courage enables a person to face difficulty, danger or even pain when others think it is impossible. I often think of those battling a disease or hardship who have a positive outlook on life as courageous people.We all need courage.  We all face criticism for "how we do things."  The bible says, Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6  When you face a difficult decision in life say YES.  Say, yes, I can make this decision, yes, I can go forward, yes I am strong enough, yes, I will trust God.  Courage is a 3 letter word....YES!

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