Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fire led leadership...

Fire led leadership will be caught.  When we manage people we lose our ability to inspire people and we lose their respect.  If you are in a position to lead others in your home, job, church or other activity you will want to master the ability to inspire people.  How do we inspire others to be creative or guide them to be moved in a particular direction?  We praise them to success.  We lead by example.  You have heard the idiom more is taught than caught.  This is so true of little children, but rings true in every form of leadership as well.  Passion for a goal is fueled by a team.  A leader can not do it alone.  Build the team and the team spirit, and great accomplishments will follow.  Everyone must have a place for success on the team.  Ask yourself, "What's in it for them, what is the goal, and what is the deadline." When you can answer these questions and relay them to your team then you will have cooperation.  As a matter of fact, your dream will be just a stepping stone to what they can dream.  You will take the lid off of fear because you have created a safe place for them to grow.  Leadership can be learned.  There are some who have a natural gifting in leadership, but God uses some of the most unnatural people to do extraordinary things.  So, if you don't feel comfortable in a leadership position or feel less qualified then someone else...become a student of leadership.  There are many great authors who have books on leading your home, parenting your children, developing the leader within you in your workplace or even books on people skills.  If you are in a position of leadership there is always room to learn more and grow into a better leader.  Develop a fire for what you are doing and watch unbelievable success follow!

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