Sunday, September 9, 2012

If you want it you must ask for it.

If you want freedom you must ask for it. This could mean freedom from an addiction of drugs, alcohol or sex...maybe freedom from past hurts, failures or unhealthy relationships. If you want love you must ask for it. It doesn't matter who you are...everyone needs more know the love of God, to feel the love of your spouse, to enjoy the love of your children.  Our hearts always have room for more love. If you want peace you must ask for it. How many times is your spirit in turmoil over a decision that you must make...a decision that no one else can make but you...and you don't have peace?  Perhaps your home or work place lacks peaceful conversation.  Possibly you should just start by asking that your joy be fulfilled! Whatever it may be, fill in the blank... and speak it out loud. I want_________!

We spend much of our time wishing others will fulfill our needs, or even expecting God to meet them, but we have never really taken the time to ask for (out loud) what we want. Asking involves the risk of being told "no", or feeling foolish for our request.  Why is that such a bad thing?  If we are told no by God...wouldn't that be for our best interest and therefore we should be thankful?  If  we ask for a raise and we are told "no"  does it leave us further behind?  Or, does it show us that maybe there is something more we could be doing, and the job we have is not paying us what we are worth? When you tell your spouse you "need" more of them in a certain have nothing to fear...if it is their desire for a better relationship...asking will move you forward.  It will open the floodgates for what has been left unsaid.  Don't be afraid.  And, don't become complacent...meaning you have asked before and have not received...therefore, you give up.  Persistence is a form of confidence, and sometimes we must continue to ask until the desires of our heart line up with the plans God has for us.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

The Gospels, as well as the Old Testament, are flooded with verses that remind us to ask if we want to receive.  Take a moment and do an online search of scriptures with the word "ask" in it...Some verses refer to asking for salvation and the forgiveness of our sins, some refer to asking for the desires of our heart, others teach us to ask for healing and help on the behalf of others, but the idea the Lord is trying to get across to us is this: if we ask not; we have not!  Asking leads to blessing! He may not grant us our entire list...but He does promise to give us what is good for us!

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?  Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?  If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”    (Luke 11:9-12)

If you are married and think anything like me...there are times you expect your spouse to know what makes you upset, and beyond that...what to do to fix it. We expect them to know when we want physical touch, words of praise, when we need to be left alone, or when they should be spending time with us. When you think honestly about is absurd!  I can't possibly know when to do that for my, why do I think he should know when to do it for me?  Maybe the answer is, at times, I measure him according to the wrong standard.  I begin the game of comparison and blame. Can you relate?  Hmmm...Your spouse married you for what you add to their life. Without you they were missing something. Together you could do more good than apart. Go back to adding to their life in order to be fulfilled in your own. To me that is simple, yet what we resist the most. Selfishness is often the root of many of our struggles. Don't wait for someone to know what you need or for that matter what you want.  Ask for it! 

Love gives out of the abundance of the heart.  When selfishness sets in, we stop giving and start expecting to receive.  Now don't get me wrong.  It is important in a relationship to reciprocate love in all 5 forms: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service and the giving of gifts.  But, when we intentionally hold these back in order to "make" our point or guilt the other person into doing what we want them to do...we are only increasing our chances of depression. And, we will come up empty handed. Relationships at any level, beyond that of an acquaintance, take intentional effort.  We must speak clearly about how we feel concerning all things such as: finances, acts of service, ethics, morals, parenting, and even time spent together.  Any area of life that affects your relationship is worthy of conversation.  When you  admit your feelings of hurt, fear, want, jealousy, need, lack of joy or are not accusing the other person of not fulfilling this void...instead you are recognizing it and sharing it with the person who loves you most.  Once you do this it is important to ask for what you want.  Those who are closest to you may have had an idea you were unhappy, frustrated or depressed, but they had no idea how to help or "fix it."  You understand yourself better than anyone, and you know what you need. You can ask for it.  I believe when you communicate with others and with God in your an out loud will come to a realization of whether what you want is based out of an insecurity, desire, selfishness or need.  No matter the allow others to understand how you are wired, and together you can meet each other at the point of your need.

I encourage you today to be brave and ask your spouse what you want from them.  Be confident and raise the bar with your children...ask of them what you want.  Go boldly to the throne of Grace and ask God for the desire of your heart. Asking will lead to blessing and when you ask allow yourself to be changed by the outcome!

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