Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Foundation of Hope

I have decided to reveal parts of a true story in order to help you think about the reality of what goes on within the lives of others, and with the hope that it will cause you to think about your own life as it relates to this couples' story.  My friends names have been changed for their privacy. And the photo is not of the family depicted in this writing.

Jill and Mike were just in their 20's when they fell in love and decided to get married. Jill had found her dream life. They moved into a beautiful home and she decided to get a part time job in order to decorate her new house with whatever her heart desired. Mike had a great job, so all other needs and bills were covered by his income. The couple got pregnant within the first few months of marriage and "baby boy" was on his way. Jill assumed the role of wife and mother like a pro. Shortly after their little son was born, Jill discovered her husband, Mike, had been unfaithful. The pain was increased by the unfolding knowledge that the affair was while she was carrying their son. And, to make matters worse the other woman was her friend.

It took stages of anger, grief, bitterness and resentfulness before Jill could even go to counseling and reach out for some help.  After an extended period of time they both decided to give their love another chance. Once the couple worked through the hurt and extended grace and forgiveness, baby two was on her way. Jill, still a very young mom and wife, wanted nothing more than to please her husband. She began changing her outward appearance with makeup, a new hair style, a breast augmentation, and a completely new style of dress...all to become more appealing to her husband...or at least that was her intent.

The events that unfolded in the next 10 years were a constant roller coaster of highs and lows in their relationship. Jill and Mike had yet a third baby, separated, and finally divorced. They both filled their time with one new sexual partner after another, and Jill even had to begin working full time while paying for childcare and living in an apartment on the not so nice part of town. She experienced many financial hardships and broken relationships. Mike seemed to have a pretty good life...single man, nice home, comfortable money and pretty women. Until one day, Jill received a call that Mike had taken his own life. Friends and family, baffled by his choice, began to uncover the life of a man who was enslaved by empty dreams. He tried to portray the "American Dream" on the outside: good job, financial freedom, beautiful family, and a nice home. But, he was chasing after "something" more on the inside and turned to a secret life in the fast lane at night. He came up empty and with no hope. It wasn't Jill who didn't meet his needs, and it wasn't Mike who made Jill feel the need to change.  They both began searching for a hope that would fulfill the secret longings in their heart.  It is possible if they had shared these longings with one another and surrendered their will to the love of Christ....things could have unfolded differently. I do know Mike attended Church faithfully, so I can only pray that at some point in his life he asked Jesus to save his soul. Jill only attends Church on occasion and  lives with her current boyfriend. I don't know the condition of her heart today or the level of her peace, but these are some things I have learned as I observed and talked with her some years ago.

1. People do not set out with the intent to destroy their life.
2. When we do not guard our hearts and minds we become desensitized to the consequences of sin.
3. Put your trust in God because man will disappoint you!
4. It is not someones' job to make us happy. Joy comes from a thankful heart and peaceful soul.
5. Vanity creeps up on us, produces selfishness and can lead to affairs.
6. Guard your own heart because out of it flows everything you do. (Proverbs 4:23)
7. Be kind to others, forgiving others, loving them and directing their thoughts to things of God.
8. People who put on a great outward appearance may be dying on the inside.
9. Forgiveness , Grace and Mercy do follow us all the days of our life...but you cannot escape the consequences of habitual sin forever.
10. Our hope is built on nothing less then Jesus blood and righteousness.  All other attempts are fatally futile.

"The Solid Rock" ~ by 4 Him

Love this version of one of my favorite childhood hymns still embedded in my heart today!

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