Monday, January 21, 2013

Tired of the Struggles?

Today, my husband started a new job.  I sure do miss him here at the house. (We both agree that I actually may get some work done now:)  I am praying he is blessed and finds joy in the work he is asked to do and the people he must work with....  Looking back over the last few weeks, I can see some blessings from his lay off.  He was able to restore his body and soul, and I was able to connect and enjoy him on a whole new level.  It was like a much needed vacation without the stress of packing and going somewhere...knowing that the vacation must end in a week and you have to face work on Monday morning.  He ate well, slept well, read a few books for leisure, worked out, spent time with family and mentally worked through his thoughts on unlocking his passion and creating a vision for the future.  These things don't happen on their own.  You must consciously and actively participate in forward movement. So, if you don't have "time off" from work right now you must schedule time for yourself in the evening or on weekends to "restore your soul", or you may find yourself in a state of depression or frustration concerning the "place" you are in this life! While you are at it...schedule time with your partner and time with your children....they all deserve the best you that you can offer!

I have taken for granted how difficult it is to "find a job" in this current economy.  21 years ago, I accepted a teaching job on a Navajo Indian Reservation right after college. This was a great experience for me and aided in landing a second job when I returned to my hometown.  After teaching for 9 years I decided to work my, hobby, home business as my career.  I never went back to education full-time.  Now, 17 years of working my own business and nearly 12 years of that time with no other employment, my work mindset, as well as the work "field", has changed.  I have taken jobs to off-set hard times but never for long.  Today it seems much more difficult to attend college, let alone get a "secure" job to support and maintain living above "poverty level."  My husband  has worked hard labor jobs for more than 20 years.  Whether he had work or not often depended on other people, weather or the economy.  He also had to work more hours and physically harder just to make ends meet. I am so proud of him for never giving up.  The job he started today is close to home, better pay, better benefits and out of the elements:)  He is still looking for a career with passion, purpose and vision for his future, but I am thankful that God takes care of him, and us, on the journey to finding "peace" in this world.

I am also very thankful for friends who are willing to be the link to helping others find a job.  It is much easier to get a job with referrals from friends and a great reference.  My husband filled out countless applications, but the bottom line is: unless you have an "in"'s much more difficult to secure a good job. So, if you know of work and those without...match them up.  It's a great gift to be a part in the success of others!

I keep writing about "the struggle" and often hear others state they are tired of it...but the truth is: "Struggle" is a part of the journey of this life.  We can't be free from it, but we can live free "in" it.  I believe that's what scripture means when it says to be in the the world but not of it, or when it says in this world you will find tribulation, but in Jesus you will find peace.  What I am trying to say to you is this: Let's not put so much emphasis or give so much power to "the struggle"...instead let's look for the blessings and exercise the power of the spirit within us to overcome our obstacles. (the power of the spirit is given to you when you have a personal relationship with Jesus)  Look for joy in your family, create joy in your job, search for joy in the pleasures of life around you. All the while, ask God for wisdom when you are walking through your not so desirable present circumstances!  Not to make light of your hurt...but I promise...someone has been where you are right now.  You are not alone...days only last 24 hours and weeks and months keep passing us by....if you are not careful you will look back with more regrets than peace.  Seek out those who have been where you are and learn from their journey. it forward.

Our family is dealing with a few struggles of it's own...some of which could really ruin any one's day, but I can honestly say just when I feel I have past the hurdle of one challenge...another appears.  I am beginning to expect it with anticipation for what blessing is on the other side when I conquer it!  You can have victory in this life and CAN enjoy it along the way.  Don't give up looking for a new career or even finding a temporary job.  Don't give up praying for a miracle in health or finances.  Don't lose hope that you will find love or restore a broken marriage.  Don't allow your personal struggles of the day, week, month or year rob you of living a life full of peace...those struggles do not control you unless you allow them to! Life full of peace is not a life void of problems....peace is found when you overcome the struggle and enjoy the journey!

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