Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rhythm of life....

Rhythm (from Greek ῥυθμόςrhythmos, "any regular recurring motion, symmetry"[1]) is a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions." [2] In other words, rhythm is simply the timing of the musical sounds and silences. While rhythm most commonly applies to sound, such as music and spoken language, it may also refer to visual presentation, as "timed movement through space."[3]

I could not write a better definition for life than "rhythm."  When you look at your life with this analogy in mind  it is truly a beautiful dance.  Our lives are full of weak moments when we have failed others expectations or even failed our own.  We remember some victories and pleasant times of childhood or maybe moments of peaceful relationships.  Some of these stories are full of sound while others are only actions of silence.  Our life is a "timed movement through space".... our days are numbered on this earth, and only God knows the final hour.  Days will come and go, regularly, and conditions will vary.  May the rhythm of your life through sorrow and joy bring a legacy that will never be forgotten...a legacy that builds strength where others are weak and hope where there is pain.  Your diverse life...with what sometimes seems like very opposite facets that do not the very rhythm in which you dance.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Give it away....

Are you stuck? Are you in a rut?  Do you feel like you are in the same place this year as you were last year in your job,  marriage or maybe your finances?  Worse than that, do you feel like things haven't changed for years, and you wonder when you will get your break in life?  I think this is a common thought among most people no matter where they are in life socially, emotionally or financially.  We think we are stuck because we have not found our "white picket fence" yet.  I don't think we are stuck at all. I think we are just not living life to the fullest.  We can't see the forest through all the trees.  We are unsatisfied and we aren't even sure why.  We look to "things" to fill that void.  We go through the motions every day, nothing changes and we get the same results year after year.

Here is a novel idea for you.  Give it away.  Yep, I mean those clothes, that table you don't like anyway, those golf clubs you never use....I know they are expensive, but they have been in your garage for years waiting for your inspiration to "feel like golfing".  How about that extra t.v, baby equipment or furniture.  Whatever you have that you don't use, don't like anyway, has bad memories attached to it or you just have too much of...give it away.  I give away my shoes just so I can buy more...I know that sounds crazy, but when you can donate shoes to a women's shelter that's a paycheck of the heart.  I can't explain what joy I get giving away shoes. That doesn't have to move you, but what does?  When you get rid of things you not only abundantly bless others but you make room for new things and new experiences.  Can you imagine the freedom you will feel when you rid your home of negative memories and learn to become unattached to "things".  You have heard it said you came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing.  That is true.  All that we have is God's, and when we let go and let God use what we have...we just might have time to begin priming our fence and find a few new friends to help us paint it.  Oh, and before you think I only mean "stuff"...that includes your love, expressions of your heart and your God given talents.  Give it all away any chance you get!  Pour it out...if it blesses someone else and makes their life easier...let go of it...and it will come back to you in amazing ways you could never have imagined before!  For some of you this is a radical thought.  You save everything.  Everything has a memory.  Now, I understand holding on to a few precious things to pass on to your children.  Sometimes, just looking at something you kept takes you right back to a satisfying moment. I get that.  But, come on...we have too much stuff.  We are spoiled, shop to much, and don't give enough away.  Start looking for ways to get rid of and simplify your life.  If you like to shop like me...clear out that closet...bless a friend and go shopping.  Just writing this has me all excited to purge...I think I will bless someone today!  Give it away!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Story of Courage

She grew up in an Amish of 14 children.  She was abused by her own father, and at the age of 16 followed in the footsteps of several of her siblings....she left home.  With a few things in a bag she jumped the fence and began to walk.  She changed her clothes along the way with some jeans and a sweatshirt she had stashed away from a town friend.  Her friend met her in the night and put her up in their barn for a few days.  With a little help, she found a home to live in temporarily and got a job working in a convenient store.  There she met a man and became pregnant within a few short days of knowing him. This cycle of sleeping with men continued for many years and drugs and alcohol soon became her escape.  It was only a matter of time before she could no longer hold on to a job and and her child was taken from her and put in foster care.  Within the next 5 years she had 3 more children, two of which did not survive childbirth and the other was given into the custody of an abusive father.  Somewhere along the way, she found herself in Church and for the first time she heard a story of HOPE that no one had ever shared with her before.  Now pregnant again, she began to search for resources and found help for all areas of her life right in her own community and Church.  Today, she maintains two jobs, is clean of all substance abuse, has custody of two of her children and shares her story of hope with all who will listen.  Her courage was inside of her the day she left her home.  She allowed the world to influence her and steal what God had given her.  Through the simple invite of a friend to Church she found her courage again. When she allowed God to heal the pain of her past choices and the affects of others choices on her.....the dream she once had to live a better life had come true.  She now has a small, clean and beautifully decorated home, two good jobs and amazing children.  Her friendships are too many to count and the love she pours out to others is because of her thankful heart for a new life in Christ.   She has her white picket had to be built from raw materials with lots of sanding and bloody hands, but it is beautiful.  The price was steep, but the reward was worth it all!  She was meant to do great things and it took courage to break free!

Forever Safe

Do you like to play it safe or do you play on the edge?  Do you do the same things you've always done or do you like to take some chances?  Are you willing to try new foods or shop in different stores? Are you up for a new haircut each time you visit your beauty shop?  Will you give a stranger the benefit of the doubt, put away any prejudice and strike up a conversation?  Do you pack the "kitchen sink" just in case, when you travel, or instead just throw a few things in a bag and see what happens when you arrive at your destination?  When you choose colors of paint and carpet do you stick with all neutral?  Does  the threat of inclement weather or bad traffic cause you to change your plans before you even know for sure what's ahead? 
Most of us play it safe.  And, yes, at times safe is wise.  I would agree.  When safe is looking out for the interest of others or obeying laws and guidelines for our is good.  But, if we chose safe every time we would never live out our dreams.  Safe is what we know or what someone has convinced us is true.  When we step out of our safe zone and into the unknown we experience life and freedom.  The world has so much for us to experience and see and live out.  Dreams are not born in the safe zone. They fly in the world of the unknown. 

The Scripture is full of verses that tell us that we are safe because we are a child of God's.  We do not have to fear what man may do to us because God is greater than man.  He created man...we do not have to worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own, and God will carry those burdens for us. Now isn't that good news?  We are never alone.  God tells us that once we are a child of His...He will never abandon us.  We are always in His care.  He can take the hardships of men and turn them into blessings for Him.  Our safe zone is self -imposed. Our safe zone is full of fear and a poor self-image...and God did not create us with a spirit of fear. God's choice for us is to receive power, love and self-discipline.  So, in order to live a safe life, give your life  to God and He will show you how to live your life to the fullest....forever safe in the same time experiencing his abundance, provision and life of joy and peace!