Saturday, December 31, 2011

OMG or "Oh My God"

"Oh my God, I trust in thee, Let me not be ashamed let not mine enemies triumph over me..." This is a phrase to an old song we used to sing in Church when I was growing up. It's a plea to the Heavenly Father in a prayer proclaiming trust and asking for courage. In todays' society OMG is found on glitzy t-shirts for girls, and used in text quite frequently. It rolls off our tongues as an expression of disbelief, excitement, frustration, surprise...really it can mean a myraid of expressions depending on your tone and context. Scripture clearly states in the ten commandments, "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." This includes the names Jesus and Christ. I think you will agree that our world has defined plenty of other profane words to use that the names of God could be left off the list! I also think you would agree that most generally people do not intend to curse the name of God, but really use the phrase "oh my God" out of habit and haven't given much thought to it. In our house I'm quick to replace this phrase with, "Oh My Gosh" which some would say is just a euphemism like heck in place of hell or darn in place of damn. But, for my family, it's clearly not the name of God so a satisfactory replacement of the expression.  God is concerned with the intent of your heart not the legalism of law. We are covered under the grace of the blood of Jesus Christ which makes us righteous. So, if you've never thought about it before you probably weren't cursing God's name intentionally. But, the next time you loosely call out His name, especially when you are frustrated, try asking for courage and proclaim your trust in Him.  Be careful not to use the names of God in a profane way!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Immediate Change

I imagine that if you haven't already been thinking about it....a New Years' resolution is about to roll off your tongue. For many people a new diet with a goal of weight loss will begin in a few days. Some others have committed to the gym once again and in January all workout facilities will be crowded with "good intentions" and the disciplined will get their favorite treadmill back in February!  Ha! Others of us have decided on a new way of life in the form of new friendships, dropping unhealthy ones, possibly a change in career or a move. Financial goals are sure to be on the list as well. High hopes to clean up clutter and get organized or begin a new hobby cross our minds. Whatever you are thinking about regarding changes for 2012 let me encourage you to make a change today in a little way that will make a big impact all year long.  Smile more, have a positive attitude, control your temper, clean up your speech, dress so that you feel and look good every day, and look for ways to bless others. All your good intentions for the new year take commitment and discipline.  You CAN accomplish them over time especially when you take little steps to change what you can immediately. So, promise yourself not to get discouraged in a few weeks when "life" interferes with your plans. Make an immediate change today and you will be well on your way to a New You in 2012!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Comfort or Control

Can you methodically go through the grocery store and pick out your weekly groceries with little to no thought? Do you choose the same cashier? How about parking places or restaurants, stores you frequent, routes you take?...are they always the same? I often do the same things without thinking. When I went through the grocery store I realized that I buy certain foods for my children because it makes them happy. I went to an Italian restaurant tonight, and the menu even had a column for Italian "comfort" food.  I decided that my comforts are a form of control. When there are areas in my life that I cannot control...I do all the things that make me feel comfortable. I'm not saying this is always wrong. Familiar comforts do provide some sense of security in this crazy world, but I recognized in my quest to find my "white picket fence" I will need to give up some creature comforts, otherwise, things I control in order to experience something I have never had!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favor or Favortism

"Mom, that's not fair." This is a statement I've come to hear a lot.  If you have more than one child you may hear it often as well.  Unless you have twins, your children are not the same age at the same time and even if they are all children progress at different levels, and gender plays a role in their developmental stages too.  Therefore, someone gets a bike before another, one may get a phone while the other has to wait, ears may be pierced at different ages, trips taken on different occasions, going on a date or driving a car may vary from one child to another, or privileges given at certain benchmarks in life can change with depending on the child.  I even hear adults use the same phrase, "It's not fair." Maybe they are discussing salaries of other co-workers or treatment they receive within their family from parents or siblings. Fairness issues come about when someone thinks they should have received the exact same gift, treatment or opportunity that another person was given.  I have recently decided to adopt the mindset that since I know life can be unfair, and I can't always be fair to everyone... I CAN focus on favor.  I can teach my children that when one of them receives something that the other does not...that person has just received favor, and we can rejoice in it because their day of favor is coming. They can accept that their brother or sister gets something or receives a privilege that they don't...knowing that when their favor comes it may even be greater! I can't possibly do the same thing for each child all the time, but it's not going to stop me from doing for one what I would love to do for all.  So, the next time you are feeling guilty about showing favoritism to one of your children...don't...simply share with them that this is called favor...a gift from the Lord... and tell the others God loves them so much His favor for them must be coming soon. Teach them to look for it, recognize it as God's favor, accept it and give Him thanks for it! And as far as adults are concerned...the principle is the same...rejoice in one anothers' favor because your day is coming! Look for it!

Monday, December 26, 2011

High Expectations

We often put a great deal of pressure on Christmas day. We spend a lot of money on the perfect gifts, a great deal of time cleaning our homes, baking cookies and building excitement in our children and for that matter even ourselves. All of this is normal for many people, but you may be left feeling disappointed today. It could be your children were upset because all they had wished for didn't arrive, or they didn't behave. You prepared your best meal and someone didn't show or even commented that they were expecting better. Some of us had the intention of getting along with everyone and Debbie downer rained on our parade. I have a few friends who were sick and even worse their little ones were stuck in bed with fevers. Today is a new day and I want to encourage you to move forward with joy. You are not the only who puts high expectations on the love, joy and peace of Christmas day. Just remember we can celebrate Christmas in our hearts all year long and that's a way higher calling then one day a year!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Morning Blessings

I'm not generally a morning person. I love the quiet and my cup of coffee. I enjoy reading the word and praying.  Even on school mornings I quietly take care of the dog and make lunches. My words are few. If my responsiblilities weren't great I'd even stay in bed a little longer....but God knew I needed Morning Blessings....the start of a new day that forgives me of yesterdays' failures, the hope that much can be accomplished on my list, the very breath of life to get another chance to love and laugh and learn, the majesty of sunrise, a warm shower and the peaceful sleep of my children....
Christmas morning trumps all my daily blessings. For it is on this morning I add gift giving, hugs and laughter, time anticipated with family,the hope of another year and most importantly this morning points to the story long ago in the town of Bethlehem. The coolest blessing even recognized by those with little faith in Jesus throughout the year...even the rocks will sing Happy Birthday Jesus on this most celebrated day. Jesus is well pleased with His creation in you and He wants you to enjoy Christmas Morning 365 days a year! Merry Christmas my beautiful friends!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Divided Home

This Christmas season your home may be divided like mine.  Maybe you are divorced and your children have to spend half the holiday with mom and half the holiday with dad. It's possible that you will see family members over the next few days that you don't mesh with or flat out don't get along with.  It's not uncommon for households to struggle with these situations. I encourage you to stretch your heart a little and extend love, joy and peace to those you are divided with...there is no better season to grant forgiveness.  God sent His son, Jesus, for such a time as this...Jesus was born so that in our death we may have eternal life. Share the good news with others and accept His forgiveness yourself. May your home feel exactly as God intended this season...whole and united because He lives in you!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Love

There is a book with this title which I think is awesome but not the same crazy love I'm talking about. Have you ever been in a relationship where you think about the other person nearly all day long? You are consumed with thoughts of seeing them and talking to them. Virtually everything you do you imagine how they would fit in the picture if they were there.  You often daydream, forget where you put your keys or don't answer a simple question a friend is asking.  Your focus seems a little off.  I think this is crazy love...I look at teenagers or college students, and I see their cheeks get red when they talk about their new love. They begin liking new music or dressing differently. They spend every free moment texting, talking or hanging out with this special friend. When you are crazy in love you will do things not common to your natural characteristics, and friends might think you really are crazy.  And, they just might be right. Crazy love can also be a definition for passion.  When you are passionate about something you won't stop until you get it! Have you lost that crazy love feeling? Or, is it possible you have never felt it?  I think it is because we don't allow ourselves to find the place in our heart to be so out of control we feel crazy.  Let me encourage you to find the fire inside of your heart to love like you never have before.  Pour out all you have within you, and watch your love come alive and be returned to you.  Is it a risk?  Why, sure it is. But it is far better to live and have loved than to have lived and never loved at all....I don't believe you can go wrong for loving someone....It's days can come to an end due to circumstances beyond your control...but it just leads to an open door to love again....some people never get one chance let alone multiple chances at love....crazy yes...worth it...absolutely!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Get up and Get Going....

Don't just sit there! Get up and get going!! Really, I'm not kidding. Have you ever thought about how much time you waste?  Do you watch a television program every night or maybe more than one each night?  Do you talk on the phone to family or friends about your struggles or the people around you?  What is robbing you of your time?  How about this computer?  Do you use the tools you have to pour into the lives of others, or are they used to just fill the hours? 

I know you have a dream in your heart.  It may have been there since you were a child or possibly it's a new dream cultivated by your experiences.  What are  you going to do with it?  Make a plan, and get up right this very minute, and do something that will stir up the dream and breathe life into it.  You don't have to settle for the life you have. Start hanging around people who share the same type of dreams and do something every day to move closer to them.  Practice harder, or longer.  Get a coach.  Give away clutter that's in your way.  Move to a new location.  Yes, that's right.  Move.  Sing, write, dance, go to school.  Get an accountability partner to help you with your addictions.  Whatever it is make the call today!  It will take, it will take more than will take hard work to research and line up the funding, people or circumstances needed to follow your dream.  I promise the reward will be one of pure joy, and I have a feeling you will get more than you ever thought possible.  Life is too short to waste are beautiful, talented and designed to do more than you have so yourself and others what God has given you....Get up and get going!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's Good Enough?

I just want to be "good enough."  Have you ever said that?  Do you feel like the world is constantly correcting you?  You have to speak a certain way, dress with an acceptable style, perform at a desired level and act in a way not offensive to anyone.  Do you feel like you're just not measuring up to your family's expectations?  Maybe when your husband arrives home for the day the greeting with a kiss somehow faded away and is replaced with words of criticism. Why didn't you clean the house or get the bills paid? Other moms in your circle of influence dress their children with "that" name brand.  You dress your kids in hand-me-downs or discount store clothing. No matter how hard you try, your quarterly review at work always contains areas where you need to improve and not much praise for a job well done. Do you compare your weight or looks to those on t.v or in a magazine...or worse yet, your friends? Let me encourage you to try and find a balance in this area.  It is very important to continually strive to do and be better every day.  Working on your outward appearance is not only good for your health but also your self-esteem. Don't stop in these areas...just remember scripture tells us that God is not so concerned with outward appearance as He is with what flows out of our hearts.  Is your heart pure before God?  Do you love others above yourself? Do you guard your tongue from speaking hurtful words?  Is it your desire that people are encouraged and feel better when you are with them?

You are already "good enough" to receive the love of God.  He loves you the way you are.  He knew because of our sin we weren't "good enough" to enter Heaven.  That is why He sent His son, Jesus, to pay the righteous price. We do not have to earn His love and acceptance.  We already have it.  Even the Pharisees, who had very good behavior were criticized by Jesus for being hypocrites. If we are striving for perfection it just isn't going to happen. How would we ever know when we have been good enough...where would the line be drawn? Who would be the example? Jesus was the only one without sin...thus, He paid the ultimate price and shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins!  Striving to be good and do good is a gift back to God when you stand before Him one day, so that He can say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

Now that you know you can never be "good enough" to earn God's love...He gave it as a free frees you up to be "good enough" to give back the gift with your life choices.  No more comparing yourself to others and falling short.  Do your best with the talents and abilities you have been given and "give back" every day.  In the book of Colossians it reminds us that it doesn't matter a bit what the world thinks.  God is concerned with your heart.  You are not good enough to enter the Kingdom of Heaven...but thank goodness you don't have to be...however, you are "good enough" to please God with all He gave you...don't let anyone tell you differently!

Book Note: I haven't read it in awhile, but I know Andy Stanley has a small little book called  How good is good enough? 

Going through the motions...

Do you sometimes feel like you are just living, going through the motions each day? Do things seem to remain the same day after day, month after month and year after year?  And, does it seem like it's the negative aspects that stay the same?  The bad habits are still partnering with you.  The financial struggles still weighing on your shoulders, and the drama within your extended family members seems to be the same old story.  The only thing that changes is the fact that you are getting older.

Let me encourage you to focus on the positive expectation that God has blessings in store for you.  Don't focus on the sorrow or the way things have always been.  We have a living hope that allows us to be actively alive.  I Peter 1:18 reminds us that we were bought with the blood of Christ and the empty way of life that may have been handed down to us is not where we have to live. 

Uncover the dreams of your heart, and put them into action. Make a plan with a deadline, and start checking off the list.  Be sure to tell someone who will breathe life into your dream and protect it from the dream robbers.  If you don't have a dream, begin making a list of all the things you would love to do but for whatever reason think they are out of your reach.  Fold the paper in half, put it under your pillow and begin to ask God to show you the dream He has for you!  Give Him the permission to lead you and He will empower you. 

When you desire to do what is right you don't have to lament over if it is the "will of God" or not.  He will open and close doors as you begin to walk.  Many things in life fall under the providential will of God...meaning He chooses to bless His children in the path you take.  Scripture will unfold and clearly steer you away from things that displease Him, and His will concerning some issues are clearly stated.   What person you marry, what college you go to, what business you should start, what purchases you make ect...unfortunately are not found in the pages of scriptures...He let's you make a decision...walk forward believing...don't give open to change direction....and watch the mighty hand of God lead your way and bless your efforts abundantly.  What you think about you can create. Your white picket fence is within reach.  No more going through the motions and allowing life to determine what happens to you.  Seek God first and together you can determine how you live out your life!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I didn't save an unborn child from an abortion, I didn't heal a broken heart, I didn't have a cure for certain death, I didn't take the pain away from a cancer patient undergoing chemo, and I couldn't even help a friend in financial crisis.  When a mother lost her child, and a man lost his wife in a car accident, injustice clearly happened....I couldn't do a thing, and I had no words of comfort...I was powerless.
Or, was I?

When your friend goes through a divorce they never wanted, loses a job that provides for their family, has a rebellious child or is unjustly accused....what do you do?  Are we really powerless? Do we just have to play the cards that are dealt to us?  Or, do we have choices?  I know we have choices on how we react, but do we have a say in what really happens to us each day?  I believe we do.  We have power in the very name of Jesus.  When our hopes and dreams are to bring Him glory...the desires of our hearts will come to pass.  We can pray in the mighty name of Jesus for all the hurts going on around us.  We can ask for a hedge of protection around our home and family.  We can bring all our requests before the Lord and He will hear us.  We can plead on the behalf of our brother and sister, and know that God will take care of them.  Never feel powerless over pain...offer help when you are able, but love unconditionally, and pray for your friends and family when they can't pray for themselves.  God is powerful, and He will ultimately bring to pass what will point others in His direction. Anyone who has survived the "unthinkable" will give you hope...that God was with them, and they couldn't have survived their circumstance with out His supernatural intervention.

Please hear my heart...if your prayers are not answered in the "fair" way you believe that they should be answered...and the hedge of protection is lifted...God is not finished.  He has not forgotten you and He has not rejected you.  He knows what your future holds.  He only gives us what we can bear at the time...He is more powerful than the pain you face, and He will give strength to the powerless. Trust Him!

Cry and Run or Laugh and Stay?

Have you ever had your heart hurt so bad it brought tears straight up your throat and before you knew it they were flowing down your cheeks?  You didn't even have time to stop them.  Maybe a friend said an unkind word and because nothing was really moving in your favor that day it  was just your breaking point.  How about an unexpected sad story you hear about the neglect of a child or abuse of a neighbor? Someone you love is getting a divorce or disease takes residence in their life.  I can recall countless times when I went from joy to sadness in a moments' notice.  When this happens do you cry and run away or laugh and stay?  Well, cry and run away is the most popular answer.  To laugh in the state of sadness just seems unkind.  But, I have found that when the tears begin to flow, if I can turn them into the joy of the Lord, my staying power increases.  Running from our hurts is a recipe for depression.  The next time you face unexpected tears, take a minute to ask the Lord what joy can come from this experience...and stay with your friend, stay and say your sorry, stay and find forgiveness, stay and pray...and watch the Lord turn your sorrow into gladness and create in you a stronger heart to "stay" when the tough times produce tears.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crazy Questions.....

I've been spending a lot of time analyzing myself lately.  I answer a few questions, and I pat myself on the back...I'm not doing so bad, considering...what a foolish woman's way out...passive thinking...then I dig a little deeper. I  begin answering some tough questions....What motivates me to get up each day?  What moves me to work I really love there a method behind the madness? What do I want to do with the remainder of my life?  What does love mean to me?  What do I have to offer the world or better yet my children or a mate?  These are crazy questions when you're honest with yourself.  Do you just react to life, or do you design your life?  Do you take the necessary steps to get what you want...what God desires for you? 
You know, until recently, I truly believed that if it was meant to be it would just happen. The more I have been "sitting on that thought" the more foolish I think that is. It sounds romantic and noble, but in reality....I realized I have missed out on a lot of great opportunities life had to offer me because I was waiting around for "it to happen".  You must dream it, put it down on paper, verbalize it and actively set out to make it happen.  Then when it doesn't happen go at it again and again each time having a new platform of experience to stand on...with those tools just watch what God can do!  You are living the life you have chosen to live or one you have allowed others to choose for you.  If you don't like it...change it...and change begins with you!  Start asking yourself some "crazy questions" and take a good look at what you really want out of life...You have heard me say so many times before that God wants to bless you exceedingly, abundantly above what you can ask or think...claim it today!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fire led leadership...

Fire led leadership will be caught.  When we manage people we lose our ability to inspire people and we lose their respect.  If you are in a position to lead others in your home, job, church or other activity you will want to master the ability to inspire people.  How do we inspire others to be creative or guide them to be moved in a particular direction?  We praise them to success.  We lead by example.  You have heard the idiom more is taught than caught.  This is so true of little children, but rings true in every form of leadership as well.  Passion for a goal is fueled by a team.  A leader can not do it alone.  Build the team and the team spirit, and great accomplishments will follow.  Everyone must have a place for success on the team.  Ask yourself, "What's in it for them, what is the goal, and what is the deadline." When you can answer these questions and relay them to your team then you will have cooperation.  As a matter of fact, your dream will be just a stepping stone to what they can dream.  You will take the lid off of fear because you have created a safe place for them to grow.  Leadership can be learned.  There are some who have a natural gifting in leadership, but God uses some of the most unnatural people to do extraordinary things.  So, if you don't feel comfortable in a leadership position or feel less qualified then someone else...become a student of leadership.  There are many great authors who have books on leading your home, parenting your children, developing the leader within you in your workplace or even books on people skills.  If you are in a position of leadership there is always room to learn more and grow into a better leader.  Develop a fire for what you are doing and watch unbelievable success follow!


It takes courage to start a new job. No wait, it takes even more courage to apply for a new job sometimes.  It takes courage to buy your first car or first home.  It takes courage to get married or leave an unhealthy relationship.  It takes courage to support your family or make a big move.  You get it.  Life decisions take courage.  What exactly does that mean?  Well, anytime I have a decision to make no matter if it is a daily what do I wear, where do I go, or the next level where do I work, where do I live, who do I marry or how many children should I doesn't matter whether my decisions are small or big....mark it can get opinions in favor of or against what you choose.  The more people you poll the more you may find criticism.  This is where courage comes to play.  One definition of courage is to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism. It means you decided with your soul and you move in that direction no matter what people think.  Courage enables a person to face difficulty, danger or even pain when others think it is impossible. I often think of those battling a disease or hardship who have a positive outlook on life as courageous people.We all need courage.  We all face criticism for "how we do things."  The bible says, Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6  When you face a difficult decision in life say YES.  Say, yes, I can make this decision, yes, I can go forward, yes I am strong enough, yes, I will trust God.  Courage is a 3 letter word....YES!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Paying Forward

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store as is my regular routine on a Sunday evening.  The very first thing I did was pick up some flowers.  This time I chose a beautiful yellow bouquet. I often choose what I would like to have on my kitchen table.  As I shop I  pay attention to those in the store with me and wonder who God is going to have me bless when I get to the check out counter.  However, this week I was shopping with a friend and talking, so I didn't even tune myself into those around me.  By the time I got to the check out line I thought I might actually be taking the flowers home because no one seemed to be in the store.  Just as I paid for my groceries an elderly lady paid for her few items in the line beside me.  I immediately knew she was the one who should be blessed.  She seemed lonely and unhappy... as if she too were going through her regular routine.  Once we both paid our bill, I simply handed her the flowers and told her that I wanted her to blessed.  I would pray for her this week and each time she saw the flowers I wanted her to be reminded of God's love for her.  Her eyes were big and round and her mouth showed no curve until I finished talking.  Then she mustered the biggest smile and said. "thank you; that is so sweet of you."
My intention for sharing this story is not for kudos on my simple giving. After all, we are only talking a few dollars and small act of kindness.  I share this story because I want us all to be reminded that there are so many hurting people around us who need to know the love of Christ.  They have lost their hope, and many of their dreams have been shattered or just seem to far out of reach.  A simple act of kindness lets others know God does love them, and He does care for their every need.  What can you do today to show the love of Christ to others?  When you begin paying forward you will change the world one person at a time and more importantly you will receive blessings you never imagined!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

When I lack knowledge

There are some areas in which I just lack knowledge.  When this happens, I either don't do them at all, or I get help from someone who does have the knowledge.  However, there are areas of life that we have to perform well in even when we lack the knowledge.  When you have your first child you may lack the knowledge of changing a diaper or getting a baby to sleep through the night.  Often times, we lack knowledge through many of their growing stages.  We rely on books or advice from parents who's children have already been there and done that.  We lack knowledge in a new job and rely on the training provided or a senior mentor.  We lack wisdom when it comes to tough parenting decisions, financial budgeting, schooling for our children, career changes, moving, relationships.  The list of areas where we fall short in knowing...can be overwhelming, and sometimes we don't have access to the resources that could help us. 

So. what do we do?  Faith is the answer.  When we trust God to provide an answer and look for His leading we are strong where we lack knowledge.  What if our faith is weak?  The reality of life is... our faith is tested all the time.  It is a real possibility that we have moments where our faith is weak.  When tragedy happens in our life or in the lives of those we love, when good people or even strong Christian people make bad decisions, when depression from hurts done to us take root, or when it seems all odds are against us... our faith can wobble.  Then what?  Lean on your knowledge or the knowledge of others....lean on the Bible, the most trusted source of truth.  I am so thankful for my memory at times... because when my faith is weak I remember what I have studied in God's word to help me through.

When I lack the knowledge I am so very thankful that my Faith in the One who loves me most will make a way! (Scriptures to read on Faith: Matt.6:25-34; Heb.11; Ps. 119:56-72; Prov. 3:5-6)

Perfect Fit

We often try to fit the wrong person into the right spot.  Have you ever put a puzzle together with someone who insists on making a piece fit, and you know it doesn't go there?  Have you ever put together a piece of equipment, toy or furniture item and you end up with extra pieces that don't seem to belong anywhere?  We all have a dream of what we hope our lives look like at certain benchmarks.  The problem is we panic. When we reach those benchmarks and the picture isn't complete...we try to hurry up and cram in a piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit. We just put it together without really knowing where all the pieces belong.  Life is so much like this.  We try and change people who are already in our life and convince them they are supposed to be there.  We create a role for them in our life that doesn't fit for them.  We do this because we think we have little time, or we think we may not find the right person for that role. But, the truth is, if we wait patiently and we don't force others to fit where they are not designed...we will honestly be on the road to creating our dream in God's timing. People come and go in our lives...let them...they are there for a reason and sometimes just a season.  Don't force people to fit in your will know for sure when they are a perfect fit!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finding Joy....

As I observe women I find that depression comes from not being able to control circumstance in their lives.  Some women are unhappy with their weight and no matter what diet they try they can't seem to lose it.  Others are mistreated verbally by husbands or family members and this keeps them from getting out of bed or from being productive.  Unfaithfulness certainly causes depression and financial crisis takes a high ranking as well.  When I observe the men in my circle of influence I notice the ones that struggle with depression do so because of addiction, financial insecurity or identity in the job force. There may be many other factors that cause depression including mental and clinical, but what is the flip side of the coin?  I notice that women who are busy about their day with outside work, home projects, child raising, volunteering or time consuming hobbies tend to be more joyful and less depressed.  These same women struggle with the circumstances that cause depression, but they are so busy filling their lives with people,  productive work and projects that depression has little time to fester.  I see the same in men.  The guys who get up early, physically work hard with their occupation or around the house and their property tend to be more laid back.  I see men who provide well for their families and also volunteer their time with their children or community activities.  I believe hard work and a busy schedule is good medicine for the soul...of course, there are always unhealthy extremes...scripture warns us about them, but when you find it hard to cheer up and difficult to get out of bed...try adding some more activity that includes being around others to brighten your mood.  Depression can be beat, and finding joy is sometimes a choice away.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Seasons Change

Just as the natural seasons of the year come and go without fail, seasons of  life change without fail.  We become so self-absorbed in our hurts and hangups that we miss the beauty in each season of our life.  Parents often say,"Where did the time go? My children grew up so fast." You find yourself looking back on the events of your life and feel discouraged because you never reached all the desires of your heart. Spending time looking at the failures or missed goals behind you will leave you in bad weather all the time. It's good to learn from them but not to dwell on them.  Better days do come, and blessings are always there. Every dream in your heart was placed there by God.  It is not too late to act on it, and God has every intention of bringing it to pass. The trouble can't see it because you don't believe it. I haven't quite grasped why it's so difficult to allow the seasons in our life to change without discouragement. I'm still working on that one daily, but weather is such a mirror image of the seasons of life.  There are nights that the storms keep me awake and evenings when I am in my basement following a tornado warning on the news.  Yet, in the summer months, I am am enjoying the heat of sun in my bathing suit and watching my children play on the beach.  The snow storms particularly intrigue me as they cover all that is dirty with their beauty, but when they melt they leave behind an even bigger mess!  I can be good at covering up a mess, but...oh, how temporary...and then I have a lot of muck to walk in.  Rain is my washes snow and dirt away, and I even like the smell of rain.  New flowers and green grass appear in the days that follow...but even then, weeds so generously rear their heads.  You will always have favorite seasons of life however, with beauty hardships still have certainly heard the analogy of the magnificent yet surrounded by thorns...If you will allow yourself to change your thinking about the "circle of life" we live in...believing that all things do work together for your good, that your Father in Heaven does love you and desires to bless you...then maybe today the changes you are facing won't seem so hard after all....just let the seasons change. Not only will you begin to appreciate all that they have to offer, but you will find that the blessing was worth the pain, dreams do come true, and there really is a silver lining .....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Subtle Hints.....

Do you ever feel like maybe you should do what the fortune cookie says?  Do you ever pass a sign on the road that has your name in big black print? Or, maybe not your name, but even more unsettling...the sign actually answers a question you just asked in your head.  How pick up a book, read an email or a blog post that seems to be talking right to you and your current situation? 

I am so aware of these signs that I actually look for them now.  I love the subtle hints all around me.  I especially like them when they come from my family...unprompted.  Just today, my daughter created a new screen saver on my computer with my small business unit name on it.  I never said I wanted that, and I never asked her to make me a new screen saver.  She just thought it up all on her own.  I don't know what even prompted her. It was just the subtle motivation I needed from my child to keep working hard in my business.  Has anyone ever confirmed a career for you, or made a difficult decision seem clear by something they said?  These really aren't subtle hints at all. I believe some things aren't meant for us and just seem random for sure, but when some random things make sense...I believe it is how God orchestrates His creation and the world around us to speak to us. 

There are messages, encouragements and warnings everywhere.  Be open to what God is saying to you through the "subtle hints" around you!

Monday, March 7, 2011


There is not any present moment that is unconnected with some future one. The life of every man is a continued chain of incidents, each link of which hangs upon the former.....I stole a portion of  this quote...not even sure where from...but I love it.  When we grasp the fact that our life is a continual chain of events linked to the one before we will be able to design our life!  We are always in a state of transition.  We go to school, we graduate, we get a job, we get married, we change jobs, we have children, we get divorced, we go back to school and the cycle goes on.  For some the transitions are less dramatic then others and come with certain stages of life.  We are aging and our family is aging therefore our responsibilities change along the way.  We don't have to react to life.  We can plan.  When we decide to to go to school for a certain profession we are designing the path of occupation we want to take.  When we move to an area of town we are designing the lifestyle we want our children to grow up in.  I often hear people say, " I'm going through a transition right now."  What they mean by that is they can't make any decisions of great value, and they are stuck.  I want to respond by saying,  "that's good, I am too."  If you are not going through a continual state of transition you are standing still and not moving forward toward your dream.  Embrace transition.  Realize that it is an open opportunity for you to meet people, grow, get unstuck.  It may very well be the path to the dream you have been trying to create all along.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Forgive This?

Are you kidding me?  I am supposed to forgive abuse? My husband had an affair, my father verbally belittled me, I was beaten, my virginity was stolen when I was raped, I was lied to by someone I trusted, my child was wounded by him, my life was ruined by her choices, my mother hated me, his reckless driving killed my family member....the list is endless and can be even more brutal than some of these things.....I can not possibly know your pain, or identify with all of these...but I do know it's real, and I do know it surfaces every chance it gets. Most of us have experienced at least one of these acts of abuse...I personally had an unfaithful husband who struggled with his own addictions, and our family was greatly affected by his choices.  Our anger can be justified and our pain can be very deep from the wounds of life circumstances.  But, if you want the pain to go away, and you want to live the rest of your life experiencing joys you watch others living out....there is only one prescription.  There is only one antidote that will make that happen....forgiveness....when we stop wanting the other person to feel pain...we have forgiven.  When we begin replacing those hurts with more enjoyable memories...healing begins....tears may flow because medicine sometimes burns....but the pain begins to subside, and soon only a scar will be left to remind you of the pain. You will no longer feel it...instead you can experience joy in the moment.  You can uncover the scar, look at it, and remember your experience and what you learned from it... but, instead of feeling the pain, you can bring hope to someone else during their time of hurt.  Not only have you been able to forgive, but you are now able to give...and with giving comes unspeakable joy.  So, forgive this?  Yes!  How? replacing that memory of the hurt with a new memory of at a time.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Courageous Conversation

Do you talk to yourself about what you would say if you were brave enough?  Do you share how you really feel with a good friend or your spouse?  Do you stay awake at night wishing you should have said....?  We all do. It's quite common to shrink in fear of how others might view us or fear of rejection or repercussions.  God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of sound mind and wisdom.  If you have an idea, a dream, or a owe it to yourself, your family, the others involved and to God to share what He has laid on your heart.  If you are weak of speech, shy or nervous...God is more than ready to step in and give you strength.  If you are quick of tongue, not so kind or possibly border on being judgmental and critical..God can edit your words and replace your tone to match the intentions of your heart. You must trust Him and be willing to fail in your attempt to share truth, and allow God to have the victory.  When these tough conversations come up at home, at work and in your relationships... make an effort to step out of your own way and share what you are really thinking and then you will have peace.  Creating your dream life always comes with a tag line of peace.  If you find ways to create peace you will be paving the way to the life you have always wanted.  Step out of your comfort zone...say what's on your heart and mind and move forward.  The freedom that you will feel is like a really great vacation that never ends!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dreams of a Woman...

No one goes through life without dreams...they are just a part of who we are.  Little girl dreams begin when we put on mama's dress and high heels, play school with our friends or pretend we are getting married.  Dreams of a woman continue when we see a beautiful dress, watch a movie with enticing scenery and imagine ourselves in it, or when we read a novel and wish we were the character being portrayed.  Dreams are lived vicariously through our friends and family. That's why everyone wants to be a part of the winning team.  As women we dream when we look in the mirror and wish for beauty. We dream of our wedding day and motherhood.  Perhaps, we dreamed for a better family, a dad who was loving, a mom who was kind, clothes that weren't hand me downs, or a friend who called YOU "best".  For many of us we have carried these dreams from one season of life to another only to realize that they are not being fulfilled.  They are not possible, someone has stolen them or shattered them and we resent who we are.  Worse then resenting who we are is resenting those we blame for our stolen dreams....Yuck...that is the ugly truth. But, there is hope...we can have new dreams everyday and we have promises in *scripture that remind us that God sees all, will bring righteous judgment where we have been wronged, and that He does not forsake those who seek him. If your dreams as a woman have been shattered, stolen, or you have made choices that keep them out of reach... approach the throne of grace with confidence so you may find help in your time of need.
*Prov. 5:21, 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Psalm 9:10

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rhythm of life....

Rhythm (from Greek ῥυθμόςrhythmos, "any regular recurring motion, symmetry"[1]) is a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions." [2] In other words, rhythm is simply the timing of the musical sounds and silences. While rhythm most commonly applies to sound, such as music and spoken language, it may also refer to visual presentation, as "timed movement through space."[3]

I could not write a better definition for life than "rhythm."  When you look at your life with this analogy in mind  it is truly a beautiful dance.  Our lives are full of weak moments when we have failed others expectations or even failed our own.  We remember some victories and pleasant times of childhood or maybe moments of peaceful relationships.  Some of these stories are full of sound while others are only actions of silence.  Our life is a "timed movement through space".... our days are numbered on this earth, and only God knows the final hour.  Days will come and go, regularly, and conditions will vary.  May the rhythm of your life through sorrow and joy bring a legacy that will never be forgotten...a legacy that builds strength where others are weak and hope where there is pain.  Your diverse life...with what sometimes seems like very opposite facets that do not the very rhythm in which you dance.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Give it away....

Are you stuck? Are you in a rut?  Do you feel like you are in the same place this year as you were last year in your job,  marriage or maybe your finances?  Worse than that, do you feel like things haven't changed for years, and you wonder when you will get your break in life?  I think this is a common thought among most people no matter where they are in life socially, emotionally or financially.  We think we are stuck because we have not found our "white picket fence" yet.  I don't think we are stuck at all. I think we are just not living life to the fullest.  We can't see the forest through all the trees.  We are unsatisfied and we aren't even sure why.  We look to "things" to fill that void.  We go through the motions every day, nothing changes and we get the same results year after year.

Here is a novel idea for you.  Give it away.  Yep, I mean those clothes, that table you don't like anyway, those golf clubs you never use....I know they are expensive, but they have been in your garage for years waiting for your inspiration to "feel like golfing".  How about that extra t.v, baby equipment or furniture.  Whatever you have that you don't use, don't like anyway, has bad memories attached to it or you just have too much of...give it away.  I give away my shoes just so I can buy more...I know that sounds crazy, but when you can donate shoes to a women's shelter that's a paycheck of the heart.  I can't explain what joy I get giving away shoes. That doesn't have to move you, but what does?  When you get rid of things you not only abundantly bless others but you make room for new things and new experiences.  Can you imagine the freedom you will feel when you rid your home of negative memories and learn to become unattached to "things".  You have heard it said you came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing.  That is true.  All that we have is God's, and when we let go and let God use what we have...we just might have time to begin priming our fence and find a few new friends to help us paint it.  Oh, and before you think I only mean "stuff"...that includes your love, expressions of your heart and your God given talents.  Give it all away any chance you get!  Pour it out...if it blesses someone else and makes their life easier...let go of it...and it will come back to you in amazing ways you could never have imagined before!  For some of you this is a radical thought.  You save everything.  Everything has a memory.  Now, I understand holding on to a few precious things to pass on to your children.  Sometimes, just looking at something you kept takes you right back to a satisfying moment. I get that.  But, come on...we have too much stuff.  We are spoiled, shop to much, and don't give enough away.  Start looking for ways to get rid of and simplify your life.  If you like to shop like me...clear out that closet...bless a friend and go shopping.  Just writing this has me all excited to purge...I think I will bless someone today!  Give it away!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Story of Courage

She grew up in an Amish of 14 children.  She was abused by her own father, and at the age of 16 followed in the footsteps of several of her siblings....she left home.  With a few things in a bag she jumped the fence and began to walk.  She changed her clothes along the way with some jeans and a sweatshirt she had stashed away from a town friend.  Her friend met her in the night and put her up in their barn for a few days.  With a little help, she found a home to live in temporarily and got a job working in a convenient store.  There she met a man and became pregnant within a few short days of knowing him. This cycle of sleeping with men continued for many years and drugs and alcohol soon became her escape.  It was only a matter of time before she could no longer hold on to a job and and her child was taken from her and put in foster care.  Within the next 5 years she had 3 more children, two of which did not survive childbirth and the other was given into the custody of an abusive father.  Somewhere along the way, she found herself in Church and for the first time she heard a story of HOPE that no one had ever shared with her before.  Now pregnant again, she began to search for resources and found help for all areas of her life right in her own community and Church.  Today, she maintains two jobs, is clean of all substance abuse, has custody of two of her children and shares her story of hope with all who will listen.  Her courage was inside of her the day she left her home.  She allowed the world to influence her and steal what God had given her.  Through the simple invite of a friend to Church she found her courage again. When she allowed God to heal the pain of her past choices and the affects of others choices on her.....the dream she once had to live a better life had come true.  She now has a small, clean and beautifully decorated home, two good jobs and amazing children.  Her friendships are too many to count and the love she pours out to others is because of her thankful heart for a new life in Christ.   She has her white picket had to be built from raw materials with lots of sanding and bloody hands, but it is beautiful.  The price was steep, but the reward was worth it all!  She was meant to do great things and it took courage to break free!

Forever Safe

Do you like to play it safe or do you play on the edge?  Do you do the same things you've always done or do you like to take some chances?  Are you willing to try new foods or shop in different stores? Are you up for a new haircut each time you visit your beauty shop?  Will you give a stranger the benefit of the doubt, put away any prejudice and strike up a conversation?  Do you pack the "kitchen sink" just in case, when you travel, or instead just throw a few things in a bag and see what happens when you arrive at your destination?  When you choose colors of paint and carpet do you stick with all neutral?  Does  the threat of inclement weather or bad traffic cause you to change your plans before you even know for sure what's ahead? 
Most of us play it safe.  And, yes, at times safe is wise.  I would agree.  When safe is looking out for the interest of others or obeying laws and guidelines for our is good.  But, if we chose safe every time we would never live out our dreams.  Safe is what we know or what someone has convinced us is true.  When we step out of our safe zone and into the unknown we experience life and freedom.  The world has so much for us to experience and see and live out.  Dreams are not born in the safe zone. They fly in the world of the unknown. 

The Scripture is full of verses that tell us that we are safe because we are a child of God's.  We do not have to fear what man may do to us because God is greater than man.  He created man...we do not have to worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own, and God will carry those burdens for us. Now isn't that good news?  We are never alone.  God tells us that once we are a child of His...He will never abandon us.  We are always in His care.  He can take the hardships of men and turn them into blessings for Him.  Our safe zone is self -imposed. Our safe zone is full of fear and a poor self-image...and God did not create us with a spirit of fear. God's choice for us is to receive power, love and self-discipline.  So, in order to live a safe life, give your life  to God and He will show you how to live your life to the fullest....forever safe in the same time experiencing his abundance, provision and life of joy and peace!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


If your day is anything like mine it is packed full of things to do and places to go.  The time on the clock always runs out before I am finished crossing things off my list. My list is made up of  non-negotiable things first, important responsibilities next and finally my wishful thinking.  The dreams and hopeful ideas, sadly, never make it on the daily "to-do's."

Do you find yourself saying, "Someday, I will"....and you fill in the blank.  Maybe on your will travel to another state or country, see the ocean or the mountains, ride a horse or fly in an airplane.  You could read a novel or write one.  Someday you will get around to scrap-booking all your family photos or painting beautiful portraits.  Here is a familiar one...someday you will fit into those clothes again.  You might even say someday we will spend time together or we should really visit mom and dad or an old friend from the past.  Our "someday" is today.  "Someday" is now.  If you don't act on it...time, very well, may run out. 

I encourage you to do what you can each day to make your "some days" a reality, and live life to the fullest.  Break those big goals down to a daily plan of action that will get you to your end result...and once in a while crumble up the list, reward yourself and fulfill a dream from the "someday plan!"  It will energize you and help you understand that there is a valuable purpose to what you do daily. You will find that your white picket fence is bigger than you ever imagined.  I know of a man who has a white picket fence around everything he owns.  His wealth is shown by his property far and wide. And his white picket fence is defined by what he owns not what he did.  I like to make a list of all my dreams that have come to pass...and all the people that were a part of them...and imagine a white picket fence around all of it.  My success is not measured by what I own, but by the lives I have touched.  What is your success measured by?  Your someday is now!  "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."~ Thoreau

Friday, January 21, 2011

With A Warmth You Can't Imagine....

Have you ever been so cold you just can't get warm not matter what?  You try putting on more clothes or drinking something hot, yet the cold follows you all day long.  Sometimes our insecurities can be just like that feeling.  They follow us all day long.  Confident looking or warm on the outside but insecure or cold on the inside. We try to mask them by what we say or how we dress, but they are still there.  When we focus on helping others we give a back seat to those insecurities.  As a matter of fact, when we use our talents and strengths to benefit others we actually warm up. We become confident. What we think as insignificant others will appreciate beyond what's imaginable.  Try opening doors for others, help an elderly person at the grocery store, or lend a listening ear to someone who is hurting.  Offer your job skills...for a friend in need, help a neighbor with a project, or even read a book to a child.  It doesn't really matter what it just matters that it was given freely and unconditionally.  When you do this, you will be filled with a warmth you can't imagine.  The insecurities and coldness that normally follow you will be replaced with a confidence and a fire that is a blessing to others.  I love sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking a hot cup of coffee.  I enjoy the heat of a candle or the rays of the sun on my back.  I love warm sand between my toes and a hot shower.  I prefer to eat my dinner hot rather than cold.  I like to relax under a heating blanket and feel the comfort of fuzzy socks.  And, who can pass up a heated car seat?  The hot water in a jacuzzi is pretty inviting too.  I can keep racking up this list of warm creature comforts that I love, but when I see the smile of a child, hear a sincere thank you from a friend, or help a stranger unaware...when I give of my time and talents with no expectation of a return...I experience warmth in my soul...and that NEVER gets cold.  During the next few days I hope you are filled with a "warmth you can't imagine" will know when you experience it, and your lack of confidence and insecurities will soon be replaced with a desire to help others and not only warm their soul but set a fire in yours!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"I Love My Life"

How do we get to the point in life where we shout out, "I love my life?"  I listened to some incredible speeches given by people who are very successful, and I heard this statement reiterated over and over again.  The smiles beaming from ear to ear, the passion in their voice and the charge to live it out yourself was clear to all who heard. One commonality that I picked up on was nothing they had in life was taken for granted.  Everything and everyone was a gift.  I also knew some previous background on the speakers and was aware that their journey to this statement was not without temptations, challenges, and roadblocks.  In some of their stories I heard hardships that no one cares to repeat. They had financial disasters, grief, physical and emotional set backs and some of the speakers would even be considered the underdog or the least likely to succeed.  Now these strong leaders have some victories, some lessons learned, and many prizes for finishing the course.  You see, these dreamers never quit.  Not only did they dream but they put action to their dreams.  They worked hard, they got help, they kept going when others stopped right in front of them.  That might create a mind picture of pain, but these entrepreneurs smiled and laughed along the journey and during those toughest times they learned to draw strength from their creator, Jesus Christ.  He gave them strength. He gave them rest. He gave them peace in the storm. He gave them tenacity. He gave them power partners and encouragers and He gave them shoulders to cry on when they needed it the most.  It didn't stop there.  Because of their belief and trust in God to help them, they were able to reap the rewards of their physical labor here on earth.  We may not always have the privilege of collecting the reward of a job well done here on earth, but I do believe when we have a personal encounter with the Christ of Galilee(read about the Master of ministry in the New Testament) every thing we say and do will go hand in hand....these speakers encountered Christ on their journey. They were the recipients of His blessings and they could shout, "I Love My Life."  Don't you want to be the recipient of His blessings?  Begin looking at each day and everyone in it as a gift!  If you are having trouble praising God for where you are today...then praise Him for where you are headed....and one day soon you will shout, "I Love My Life!"

Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Morning Beautiful.....

He used to say this to her every morning as he kissed her on the cheek while she still lay tucked under the covers.  He had already worked out and showered and was off for his day of work.  She smiled and said, "I love you", as she rolled over for another hour of sleep.  Once she was up she headed off to work and found herself day dreaming of what life would be like when she built her first home, had her children and awaited her husband to come home from work each day.  She would surely greet him with a wet, sloppy kiss, kind words and a warm meal.  She envisioned an evening of playing with children, talking about dreams, and frolicking under the sheets once the kids were asleep.  Every decision she made was headed toward creating that dream.  She never asked her husband if he had the same dream.  He was busy building one of his own, yet she didn't understand.  All he talked about was himself and his dreams, and she never heard them.  She found herself alone in a world with no companion.  Oh, they were together at family functions and went to Church together on Sunday, but her evenings were filled with cooking and cleaning, and playing with her children....alone.  This was not at all as she had imagined...She put them to bed alone, and she went to bed alone.  She often woke up alone.  The morning greetings and kisses slowly disappeared.  How did this happen, and why was her dream falling apart?  Didn't she have a home with a white picket fence? She had a handsome husband and beautiful children and she was doing her part to be kind and look beautiful to please him.  Life was happening all around her and she was dancing every day, but dancing solo.  She began to see signs of a man she did not know. She began uncovering secrets and deceptions that nearly tore her heart apart.  His secret world was no longer a secret, and it was destroying her....
Within her there was an inner strength....
She began researching and seeking advice, and now when she looked in the mirror at who she had become she realized that she left herself behind in the quest for her white picket fence.  Her talents were hidden and her beauty fleeting.  After struggling through cycles of anger, bitterness, self-blame and grief, she became absorbed in helping her husband change back to the man she thought He was, or the man she thought he should become. Thinking she was doing the right thing...she only became controlling and demanding, needy and unforgiving, selfish and ugly. Her white picket fence was now weathered and broken.  She did not have the time, or more accurately the desire to restore it.  There was nothing beautiful about the morning anymore.  This is based on a true story, and it would be sad if it stopped here...but by the grace of God alone she began to uncover who she was in Christ.  She began praying for her husband, learning how to forgive and most importantly she began to find her beauty and talents again.  She found her joy in her children and placed her focus on their lives.  She realized she had so much to give, and God had even more to give in return.  I don't know the end of her story...I may never know, but when I left her she was able to say, "good morning beautiful" to the world around her.

Trading Places

I have adopted a new motto.  "I will not take advice from someone I would not trade places with."  How many times do we take the words of friends or family to heart and lament over them for days, weeks or possibly even years?  When I work for my "why" know... the white picket fence I'm creating...then great things happen. My passion is caught by others and they help me in my quest.  Sometimes they even help me scrape the fence or buy a new section!  I love it!  When someone talks to me about giving up or comments how hard it must be for me to go for my dream I remind myself who the source I want their life?  Or, are they headed in the a similar direction as me? Truly, we become like the 5 people we hang around the most.  It's time for self-evaluation.  Are the people you are communicating with always complaining, depressed, or angry. Is the glass half empty for them all the time?  If that's the case you may want to limit communication with them. I don't mean ignore them.  They very well could be your family and may need your help.  But, in order to set your dream a fire or separate yourself from mediocrity you will need to find some big dreamers...some encouraging people in your life.  Sometimes, they are hard to find so, you must rely on God's word and some motivational reading material!  I enjoy talking to people who I would gladly trade places gives me inspiration and hope for the future!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

If you knew you couldn't fail.....

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?  What adventure would you undertake if you knew it would all work out?  The answer to those questions just might lead you to what you are passionate about. Become a student of those who are already succeeding in your area of interest.  Stay focused on the idea that standing still is the same as moving backwards.  Always strive to move forward.  The only failure is in's giving up on the talents and abilities God has given you.  When an obstacle throws you on the ground or moves you backwards...begin again, learn from what happened and then change a few things. This process is your education and will be stepping stones in moving you forward.

Whats holding you back from your dreams?  Is it your family and their negativity?  Is it finances?  Is it the way you feel about your appearance or your abilities?  These are all areas we don't really like to discuss, but if we are truly honest we will realize that we blame a lot of our shortcomings or our lack of following our dreams on either our circumstances or other people.  What I find is when you ignore those obstacles you give strengths to your greatest attributes, and your weakness will become a stepping stone to your dreams.  Let's ask the question again...if you knew you couldn't fail what would you do?  Begin the dream on paper as if there was nothing holding you back.

Life comes and goes quickly, and there will be other people around us who will be living our dream and we will become resentful and bitter that "life passed us by".  Don't let that happen to you.  Pick up a pencil and begin writing, take that class you always wanted to, search for a new job, get help in the area of relationships, drop the chains that hold you back and begin doing the things you always wished you are the only one holding yourself back.  You can not fail when you use God's word as your manual for life.  He loves you more than you can imagine, and He will be shouting for joy when He sees you using the talents He gave you for His greater glory!  He did not create you ugly or with lack of talent. He did not create you to be misused or abused.  He did not create you less than anyone else.  You have amazing the world what they are...sometimes you will grab at something and realize  you should have passed that one by, but it is only in trial and error that your gifts will override your weakness. Your "failures" will only be "experiences" on the journey to success!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When we venture out to do something new it can seem quite fearful at the start.  Chartering waters unknown, traveling territory we have never seen before and new encounters can be intimidating.  Sometimes that fear actually stops us in our tracks.  We have our bags packed and we are excited, and the next minute we are immobilized and downright terrified.  We look for people to encourage us so we can go on, but it seems every time we get the courage to share our dream..."well meaning people" in our life play the devils' advocate and tell us we should re-consider.  They say they just want us to be "happy."  Or, they don't want us to get hurt or disappointed.  Are you kidding me?  Actually, they are too afraid to venture out themselves and misery sure loves company.  We all like to drag someone down with us when were defeated.  Seeking out wise counsel when making important decisions is necessary.  I have learned that one the hard way.  Sometimes when we share a dream and receive a negative response it would be just plain crazy to listen to it.  

The Bible teaches us....that fear and faith can not reside in the same place.  So, when I am worrying about what tomorrow brings, or for that matter, years down the road I can't even see yet....I have no FAITH for today.  When I live in faith that all things do work together for those that love God....I find the silver lining in every circumstance.  I begin living a life of faith instead of a life of fear.  Do not fear what man may do to you....If God is for you who could possibly be against you.  Exercise your faith today and know that the stronger your faith...the fewer your fears.  They still come but with faith you will have the power to overcome.  Are you full of fear today?  Ask God to increase your faith!  Anything is possible with two people when one of them is you and the other God! Why not take a leap of faith today?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Alone in a crowded room...

I sometimes feel alone in a crowded room.  How can that be possible when there are people all around me listening to a speaker, laughing at a party, watching a movie, eating dinner or dancing? And yet, my mind wanders. Where does it go and why?  It travels to my dream, and if that crowded room is not in my dream or it doesn't include all the people in my dream then it feels wrong.  It feels incomplete. I then lose sight of my dream and my mind becomes bogged down with all my problems that seem so insurmountable.  Now, I am defeated, and I am missing out on what the speaker has to say or the fun at the party at hand, or I miss the best part of the movie and even worse I don't enjoy my dinner and never get to dance.... Have you ever heard the grass isn't greener on the other side?  If we know that it isn't... then why do we always paint it better in our head then it is in reality?  I really don't know the answers to all these questions, and I hope someday it will all make sense to me. But, I do know that there are so many hurting people in the world, and I have been one of them enough times that I don't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy.  (How does someone have a worst enemy anyway?)

Sometimes you can't tell people about the love of just have to show them.  So, do you know what I do?  I like to make everyone feel like they belong in that crowded room, and they were meant to be there for a reason.  One of my travels took me to the beautiful state of Florida.  While I was there I hit the town shopping and out to dinner with a friend.  We had a good old girlfriend time enjoying our freedom from our daily schedules and taking in the new sights.  For dinner we ended up eating at a little sidewalk bar just outside the restaurant.  The weather was nothing short of perfect and the live music coming from inside was inviting.  It was pretty crowded, but sitting at the bar we could watch the people walking by and enjoy the entertainment on the dance floor. Being only 5'2 and 110 lbs...a little wine makes for a happy spirit.  Within a short period of time, I was friends with the everyone in the restaurant and the dance floor became my home for the rest of the evening.  My girlfriend would add details much to my embarrassment which is why I didn't invite her to help me write this post:)  As I began making friends, I saw beautiful faces everywhere, yet, all I could see was heartache.  So, I began pulling them to the dance floor, laughing and smiling and for that moment there was no such thing as alone to me.  The world was a great place to be, and I needed to know more of it.  I'd like to think I changed the world that night, but the truth is, at best, I left a fun memory for a few people.  I've experienced that feeling a time or two again over the years... where the world seemed right for just a moment. Now, each time I find myself  in a crowded room consumed with thoughts of what's not right in my world...I remember that dance floor and think there must be a lot of people who feel alone in this big big world full of people.

I can't change the world, but I hope to change the room when I walk in it!

Giver or Taker...

We have the prerogative to decide if we are going to be a giver or a taker in life.  God is definitely a Giver....John 3:16 says, He gave us His Son...but He doesn't force us to take Him.  We get the choice.  We are not forced into marriage.  We choose our spouse.  We are not forced into a job. We can accept or decline the offer.  We are not required by law to eat certain foods. We get to pick. No one says we have to be angry all the time.  We decide that on our own.  Now,  I know that circumstances are sometimes out of our control, and we can't always choose what happens to us...but we sure can choose our response.  Inevitably, we are were we are by the choices we make or the ones we allow others to make for us.  This statement made me angry for years.  I'm an arguer by nature,(some people call that the bull headed Italian in me) and when something goes wrong I would like to blame anyone but myself.  I actually will fight even when I know I am wrong...I'm working on that one:) When a good friend and business mentor of mine told me, "Gale, you will do great things and you will move forward in this business when you decide to.  You are the only one standing in your way."  I resented her statement.  You see, I wanted to tell her, "No, it's not my don't understand, I WOULD do great things and I WOULD move up in this business, but I have an obstacle, and until that obstacle moves out of the way... I just can't.  Sound like blame shifting to you?  I was crazy....that obstacle was not going to just move out of the way....I do believe in miracles and for years I did just sit back and wait...and see if God would move it for me.  Yes, He could do that...but my attitude was wrong.  I was lazy and I didn't have the faith that God could use me any other way than the blueprint I had already laid out for Him....I was a stubborn girl....You see, though I had valid reasons for my behavior it was my job to figure out a way around them. It was my job to figure out how to use the boulders in front of me as stepping stones to my destination.  I finally came to the realization that it is only through giving that we receive.  I don't mean we give in order to receive.  I mean we just give because it is what the Scripture tells us to do.  You know, the first shall be last and the last shall be first, whoever is least in My Kingdom will be the greatest of all....a SERVANTS heart...oh heard me wrong...not a SLAVE...but a servant of all....when I look for ways to serve others...I am blessed beyond belief.  I am now a giver, not a taker and blessing flow abundantly. Now, I do see I do say, "move" to some mountains and I watch in awe each time as they just get up and walk away.... This was one of those not so fun lessons to learn.  This is were the fence was not only weathered but broken.  I needed professionals to help me fix it.  I needed to get my thinking straight.  My friend, you know if you are a giver or a taker, you know if you are angry all the time, you know if you blame someone else for where you are in life... you know....everyone does...the next step is admitting it and changing the habits one by one to become the very person God designed for you to be.  You have to WANT to...Your white picket fence is within your reach....but right now you might need a professional to help you fix what's broken.  Mentors, counselors, the Holy Bible, a prayer partner, someone who has faced the same obstacle a time or is available. Start looking for ways to give to others and you will be receiving abundant blessings in return!